UV lighting - quick!


New Member
Quick! I'm going shopping soon to get a bulb!

I have an all screen vivarium for Colin (arrived today!)

I'm trying to work out the following....

Is he likely to burn himself if he does come into contact with the bulb?

How can I protect the bulb from him getting to it?

If I have it on the outside of the screen, how much will this affect the UV penetration - could I get away with this if I used a more powerful bulb (was thinking of reptisun 5.0 18")


Most all of us have the bulbs above the screen including myself. UVB gets blocked by passing through glass and plastic so the screen is fine, you might lose a little but not enough that it will harm your chameleon. You said a more powerful bulb-5.0 18 inch, what were you going to use in the first place? just lay it on top of the screen.
Most all of us have the bulbs above the screen including myself. UVB gets blocked by passing through glass and plastic so the screen is fine, you might lose a little but not enough that it will harm your chameleon. You said a more powerful bulb-5.0 18 inch, what were you going to use in the first place? just lay it on top of the screen.

Sorry I meant to say I was thinking of a 5.0 18" tube - or would I need something more powerful than this.

And thank goodness I can lie it on the top - my DIY skills were tested to the limit putting the damn thing together in the first place! :p
Yes get the repti sun 5.0 and put it on the cage. Make sure that your baking temps are not too high.
I knew what you meant, but when you said you were going to replace with a 5.0 18 inch, then I was asking what you were going to use instead of that!
well its ok too put it on your viv but place a reflector on the tube because the screencage hold 30% uv radiation off the total uvb.

This is wat you can raise up with the reflector.
Measurements I have taken show approximately a 50% reduction of UVB through the screening on my cages. The looser the mesh, the less UVB and visible light is reflected away from the cage.
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