UVB Bulbs turning Chameleon black?


New Member
I recently got a Reptiglo 5.0 cfl for my Jackson and he hasn't showed any noticeable reaction to it. He was acting odd last week and the beginning of this week, but now he's eating again and active as ever! But today when I got home he was pitch black! This morning I took him outside for this daily 60-90 min 'playtime' and he was great, sipping up water off leaves and being adventurous. I had a long day at school today and so I had my roommate mist him about midday. He said that Osiris (my cham) turned black, so I assumed it was because he didn't like my roommate there. But I got back a couple hours later and he turned black again, so I took him outside to relax up for a few hours. But now I'm inside again and he's still black all on the top of his body. I read somewhere that some bulbs can go bad and cause their skin to do that. Any know anything about that? Or is he just flippin out because of my roommate?
I'll get a pic up later tonight hopefully
it most likely has nothing at all to do with your uvb bulb. Basking bulbs can sometimes cause burns if they get too close and that could turn their skin black. How long have you owned your chameleon? If he is new, it is not unusual for them to be dark from stress or nervousness.
it most likely has nothing at all to do with your uvb bulb. Basking bulbs can sometimes cause burns if they get too close and that could turn their skin black. How long have you owned your chameleon? If he is new, it is not unusual for them to be dark from stress or nervousness.

I've had him for about a week and a half. But he's been fine when I got here, he adjusted surprisingly well. I did install a new vine for him to climb on, which is about 2 inches higher than his normal basking branch. Maybe I should move it down a bit and see how that works
My guess would be he's trying to absorb more from his new UVB bulb.

Could you maybe post a picture? If it is a burn, people here might be able to confirm that.
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