UVB question


New Member
Hi guys I have a question... If you have for example a viv that is 36 inches large you should get a 36 fixture with a 36" tube or could you use a 24" fixture with an 18" tube

It is ideal to have a tube that covers the length of the cage. So it would be a better idea to have a 36" tube if ur cage is 36"
I have the Deep Blue T5HO fixture with 2 10k bulbs and 2 6% UVB Arcadia bulbs...

my enclosure has 4 pothos, a 48 inch hibiscus, and 2 spider plants and they are all thriving beneath it (along with the cham)

http://lightyourreptiles.com (forum sponsor) sells the Deep Blue & other T5 fixtures.. I highly recommend the setup and the website - the owner is really friendly and helpful if you have lighting questions.
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