uW/cm2 optimal range?


New Member
Hi everyone. Ive just got my hands on a solarmeter 6.2 and i wanted to know what sort of range i should be trying to achieve for my two year old panther, im using a arcadia 6% t5 inside of his exo terra viv and im worried it might be over sunning him? Thanks :)

No way you can give too much UVB even using a 12% arcadia. What you want though is provide areas they can get out of the direct light (with any uvb lights, not just arcadia).

They need at least 13 microwatts to synthesize d3. My 6% range from 40-80 near the top, down to 0-20 on the bottom half of the enclosure.

Outside, the sun can be way more than what our bulbs put out.
Thanks for your quick reply! Thats brilliant. Ive just moved it to on top of the mesh with a reflector. The bottom reads 0-7uW/cm2. Middle where hes often found is around 30uW/cm2. And right at the top where he basks its now around 90 to 100uW/cm2. Shall see how he gets on over a few days with the position of the light.
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