Vacation Advice


New Member
Im leaving for mexico tomorrow night and wont be back for 6 days.

My chameleon is about a year old so his feeding has down.

I plan on leaving a bowl with superworms in the enclosure.

The lights are on a 12 hr timer as well as a mist king which operates at 4 different times a day.

Just wanted to double check if it sounds like he'll be good for the time im gone
He could eat all the worms in one day. But, if I were you I would have someone check on him every other day or so.
Yea, that'll be fine. When I had the mistking I could go away for half a week or more and they would be fine. I left enough food for them to be ok (mine never gorge themselves, with a few insects a day they're fine), and the water took care of itself. The only limiting factor was the water reservoirs (both for fresh water and for drainage water) but if the containers could hold enough for all those days then it was fine.

I did have someone come by to make sure everything was still working though if I could. I rent so I always worry that the day I'm gone the mistking explodes and spills water all over the carpet lol
I would absolutely have someone to come by and check in and make sure the mist king is working. We had a member on here that had her mist system malfunction while she was gone and the pet sitter did not even realize(must have been coming by when the cage was dry) and the chameleon died. I would have them come by when the mistking is set to go off at some point while you are gone or to check if the cage is getting wet. You just never know and you don't want to take a chance of your chameleon going without water. Food, they can go without, but water, no.
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