veggies for veiled?!

Raoul Duke

New Member
i have access to many types of different vegetables where i work.

ive only been giving him lettuce (which he doesn't seem to be eating..)..

but i didn't know if there were other types of veggies he might dig.

green peppers?
banana peppers?
olives (

doo they like any kinds of fruits?

you knowwww?
i have access to many types of different vegetables where i work.

ive only been giving him lettuce (which he doesn't seem to be eating..)..

but i didn't know if there were other types of veggies he might dig.

green peppers?
banana peppers?
olives (

doo they like any kinds of fruits?

you knowwww?

Its just something your going to have to offer. If he doesnt eat try the next.
I have had success with carrots and apples and so far only one green grape lol. :)
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long green beans i have heard are a winner specifically green giant frozen ones. i dont know why it makes a difference, but it does. i leave romaine lettuce in their cage on various branches, and they eat it, but i have to keep picking it back up, because they will drop it. They will never eat from my hand though, but im cool with that =)
I have had success with collard greens, they are high in calcium and most of my veileds will eat them.
I do not offer any other vegetables, they do also eat the plants in the enclosures.
Try to avoid vegetables with a high amount of oxalates ... ie: spinach, broccoli, tomato.
In my opinion the best thing to offer is dark green vegetation. A veiled chameleon living high in the trees and shrubbery of Yemen is unlikely to encounter a green pepper, but they do have access to a variety of leaves, blossoms and possibly some fruits.
Keep in mind too that some will never touch vegetative matter and, in captivity, with plenty of water, supplements and gut loaded feeders, it does not seem to be a vital element in their diet.
Keeping it simple here;)

i have access to many types of different vegetables where i work.

ive only been giving him lettuce (which he doesn't seem to be eating..)..

but i didn't know if there were other types of veggies he might dig.

green peppers?
banana peppers?
olives (

doo they like any kinds of fruits?

you knowwww?

Are mushrooms not toxic? (some please advise).

My cham is really fussy, but he loves watercress and dandilion leaves - I'd try these if they are available to you.
I feed my veiled mustard greens( high calcium content) once in awhile. i heard you can feed chams flowers, straw berries, and dandelion greens.
Daily my Veiled gets: Curly Kale, Spring Greens, Pak-Choi, Sweet peas, green beans, dandelion greens and a few green grapes hung from branches (only likes the bottom halves) and normaly clears the lots (small feeding tray)

So far i've found that if its green he likes it.. . I then gut load what he wont eat into the crickets.
i have access to many types of different vegetables where i work.

ive only been giving him lettuce (which he doesn't seem to be eating..)..

but i didn't know if there were other types of veggies he might dig.

green peppers?
banana peppers?
olives (

doo they like any kinds of fruits?

you knowwww?
I haven't had much luck with any veggies or fruits but I don't know if they're healthy or not I've had luck my veiled Cham liking cilantro and scallions so far wish me luck on other things I still haven't tried collard greens but I have tried turnip greens mustard greens kale apples bananas an orange rind with no success wishing you luck with yours Steve
My fussy girl isn’t much of a fan of anything that doesn’t wriggle. The other one is more of a food explorer and is an absolute addict for blueberries. Both have sampled and seemed to like sweet potato, apples and escarole.
Thanks I'll have to try blueberries and sweet potatoes my chameleon doesn't like much in line of veggies I'm not for sure how healthy cilantro is or scallions for that matter but mine likes both I don't know how healthy veggies are but it might help their digestive system I believe in for the most part feeding crickets got loaded reptivite and calcium dust as well as occasional silkworms mealworms and superworms gut loaded for their health from what I've read and what I experienced I'll check another post and make sure the blueberries and sweet potatoes are safe I love plants that are safe thanks for your info Steve
Ops I didn’t even look at that.... Incase your still looking, I put a hibiscus flower on a close pin everyday and she loves them, Coda loves oranges but they are only treats because of the acid, I haven’t tried carrots because I’m afraid they might be too hard.
Mine seem uninterested in any plant matter I try to feed them, but readily eat the various Cham friendly plants in their enclosure.
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