veiled 3 years old acting weird...


New Member
So i had some problems .. with my chameleon...
with eating.. he ate a locust.. but it was kinda stuck in his mounth..
to sticky to dry i dont know thats like 1 month ago..
after that i took it out of his mouth.. it was tottaly slimy..
and ****.. but it dindt destroys it tong..
YES i know you shouldnt do that but i was affraid my big boy
would suffecate... so he ate a bit after that.. but no more from my hand..
think he doesnt trust me anymore...
he rather doesnt eat for 3 or 4 days then eating from my hand.. Lolz..
even he hates locusts now.. he doesnt eat them anymore..
gonna try the smaller ones.. now.. cricktes he doesnt eat either
not from my hand not from a cup or free range..
what he did ate.. was a mouse... YES i know its bad.. but i was
seeing what he did eat and what not...
anyone have a advice for me .. he ate come carrots btw
Mice are too high in protein to be fed regularly. Have you tried different worms? Silkworms, butter worms might interest him. It could be he has gone on hunger strike. Starve him for a few days and then try the locusts again.:)
yes but like i told in above... i know whats bad..
or not good for my mate ;)
but this mood of his i cant explain why...
i mean okay? mabye its a hunger strike..
and yes he will eat most of the worms.. ofc..
but how long can he be on a hunger strike maximum???
Keep trying different feeders. He likely is scared by what happened. Unless he goes more than a week without eating, I wouldn't worry. Make sure he is drinking though. Also, if you pulled the locust out of his mouth his association with you and food is probably really negative right now. Put his feeders in his cage and leave him alone to eat in privacy.
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