Veiled Cham, broken legs?

Yea we are here to help but that bad of Mbd is not gonna be fixable it would have better chance if it was a male if she has to lay eggs she’s never gonna be able to ever even if calcium hardens the bones any vet is gonna milk them for money or put it down remember this is months of improper care mbd don’t just happen over night
Yea we are here to help but that bad of Mbd is not gonna be fixable it would have better chance if it was a male if she has to lay eggs she’s never gonna be able to ever even if calcium hardens the bones any vet is gonna milk them for money or put it down remember this is months of improper care mbd don’t just happen over night
I agree that it definitely looks bleak but it can be done.
Yea but what do you think the chances are of survival let’s say they have a really good vet there and they wanna remove the eggs but we’re talking a really good vet here lol not everyone will do that and most of the time the female dies after most people will do it if the eggs are fertile it’s more worth it to them it’s like 10% survival rate after a surgery like that so technically it can be done but you don’t wanna give false hope here either lol... but you know how it is sometimes you just gonna learn from your mistakes how many times do we see these exact posts here all we can do is help prepare them for the next one
Yea but what do you think the chances are of survival let’s say they have a really good vet there and they wanna remove the eggs but we’re talking a really good vet here lol not everyone will do that and most of the time the female dies after most people will do it if the eggs are fertile it’s more worth it to them it’s like 10% survival rate after a surgery like that so technically it can be done but you don’t wanna give false hope here either lol... but you know how it is sometimes you just gonna learn from your mistakes how many times do we see these exact posts here all we can do is help prepare them for the next one
You know what? You are absolutely right.

OP- screw your chameleon, she’s not worth saving. Let her suffer and die.

Your right Dave, this definitely feels like the right approach!
Don’t try getting smart you always drop dumb knowledge on people like you know what your talking about and you can’t take it when people make points to you don’t sit there and give someone false hope I’m telling it how it is straight up take notes from people who know what they’re doing veileds are a dime a dozen in my line of work I’ve produced more veileds Jackson’s and panthers than you can think of son I do my own fecal tests medication and all so don’t sit there and think your better than someone I’m telling the straight answers I don’t sugarcoat it you don’t like don’t respond it’s as easy as that
This website saves the lives of chameleons worldwide by providing some of the best knowledge base and helpful community around for chameleons. It helps people that care about their pets. But that only happens because people are willing to help and be kind to each other.

It’s not their fault “the guy at the pet store” is always an idiot. It’s hardly ever willful neglect. It’s just a lack of knowledge and trusting the wrong people.

Be helpful AND be nice.
I’m not sure she’s gravid. I fed her mealworms and crickets right before I took the photo

Your chameleon is severely gravid. Here is a link to a picture of a similarly afflicted chameleon with an x-ray:

That lumpy texture is not normal, and chameleons are not supposed to be that bulged outwards, and it's possible that the weight of her eggs caused her to fall while climbing. It's also likely that you didn't give her the proper nutrition or lamps to allow for the growth of strong bones, and they snapped because of it.

Take her to the vet ASAP. If her bones are broken, then the most humane thing to do now would be to have her euthanized, and start off with an easier pet next time.
I don't want to sound hostile, but you have neglected this poor creature, and its pain is on you. If you didn't know how to care for her, or just didn't put enough effort in, then maybe you shouldn't have jumped into ownership of an animal with complex needs.

Ignorance and laziness aren't valid excuses for neglecting proper care.
Don’t try getting smart you always drop dumb knowledge on people like you know what your talking about and you can’t take it when people make points to you don’t sit there and give someone false hope I’m telling it how it is straight up take notes from people who know what they’re doing veileds are a dime a dozen in my line of work I’ve produced more veileds Jackson’s and panthers than you can think of son I do my own fecal tests medication and all so don’t sit there and think your better than someone I’m telling the straight answers I don’t sugarcoat it you don’t like don’t respond it’s as easy as that

For someone so critical, of the hours of help @Brodybreaux25 has freely given, to both new and old members, I would expect you to AT LEAST put some punctuation in your rambling messages, so that they can be read.
Hi so I have a 8 month old Veiled Chameleon and it looks like she has 3 broken legs and broken ribs? I’ve been giving her all the calcium and vitamins, she needs, as well as, crickets, mealworms, horn worms and wax worms. I keep her humidity high and her cage in the 80s I spray down her cage with water 6 times a day and have her uvb bulb on until night. I heard sometimes Chameleons fall and can break things but her veil also looks a little wonky. She won’t leave the bottom of her cage either. Any advice? Should I take her to the vet, should I wait a little longer?

Any update?

im not here for any "morale" but, if you can fill the form it can help us to help your chameleon AND to help any other persons in this forum to improve and prevent this problem with other chameleon! Maybe this come much more far than that and we gonna find the breeder of your cham make lot of mistake (maybe you buy your chameleon at petco.. and im not gonna be surprise about how they sell you bad stuff and give you bad info)

So please help us to help! lot of really high skilled chameleon people are in this forum!

Ps please people dont be judgemental and rude at this point its useless! (i dont know if judgemental is a real word but in french it sound great haha!)
Any update?

im not here for any "morale" but, if you can fill the form it can help us to help your chameleon AND to help any other persons in this forum to improve and prevent this problem with other chameleon! Maybe this come much more far than that and we gonna find the breeder of your cham make lot of mistake (maybe you buy your chameleon at petco.. and im not gonna be surprise about how they sell you bad stuff and give you bad info)

So please help us to help! lot of really high skilled chameleon people are in this forum!

Ps please people dont be judgemental and rude at this point its useless! (i dont know if judgemental is a real word but in french it sound great haha!)
I did take her to the reptile vet and he gave her calcium shots and he gave her another round two days later. He said that it wasn’t worth it and that I should just bring her home and spend my last 3-7 days with her. I guess he was right. I’ve been crying all day but I woke up and she was laying at the bottom of her cage, White, and her tongue was stuck to the top of her mouth. I tried giving her water to unstick her tongue and it unstuck, but she stuck her tongue out and laid there. She stopped breathing an hour ago. I feel absolutely horrible. I did get her at Petco because they said if I didn’t that they’d ship her to a breeder. I only had her for a month and a half. She was my beautiful girl. The veterinarian said she was going to die from being egg bound. She did end up passing. She lived a short life, and I’m never getting a female chameleon again. I can’t let another one go through what she went through. It’s unfair to them. (First picture is when I got her)
(Second picture is two hours before she passed)


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first, I'm so sorry for your loss but you shouldn't let a bad experience with a female chameleon stop you from getting another one, its important to research and make sure your husbandry is in tip top shape, your chameleon comes from a good breeder and you get her a check up when you get her at first, now saying that I'm not trying to press you to get a female chameleon again but I think that when youre ready if you are ever, I think it would be a good idea to try again, male or female this is a great hobby to be in, I hope you feel better and best wishes
I did take her to the reptile vet and he gave her calcium shots and he gave her another round two days later. He said that it wasn’t worth it and that I should just bring her home and spend my last 3-7 days with her. I guess he was right. I’ve been crying all day but I woke up and she was laying at the bottom of her cage, White, and her tongue was stuck to the top of her mouth. I tried giving her water to unstick her tongue and it unstuck, but she stuck her tongue out and laid there. She stopped breathing an hour ago. I feel absolutely horrible. I did get her at Petco because they said if I didn’t that they’d ship her to a breeder. I only had her for a month and a half. She was my beautiful girl. The veterinarian said she was going to die from being egg bound. She did end up passing. She lived a short life, and I’m never getting a female chameleon again. I can’t let another one go through what she went through. It’s unfair to them. (First picture is when I got her)
(Second picture is two hours before she passed)
Sorry for your lost :( Dont feel bad at this point, you try to do the right things )and you did by bringing to the vet your little girl) here again i blame petco.. noway things turn that bad in only 3 month.. so i think she was already in trouble :/ if you want to try with another girl feel free too ask everything you want here we will help you! you can also take picture from the store and we will inform you if he/she look healthy
Not trying to rub salt in the open wound but that is a sever change that occured in a month and a half of owning her. There are definitely a lot of aspects of chameleon care you will need to research and learn before trying to take on another chameleon.

Sorry for your loss. When you feel ready to care for another chameleon, come here and read the articles in the resource page. Ask questions, do research, and prepare all the equipment and supplies you will need before purchasing your next chameleon.
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