Veiled Cham egg surgery


New Member
Hi, my veiled Cham had egg removal surgery four days ago, I'm wondering how long recovery usually takes. She's being fed carnivore care every hour and a half and has liquid calcium twice a day, allopurinol once daily and metacam every 48 hours. She's still not very interested in live food.
I've never had a female have to go through this surgery but I'm sending you and your girl my best and hoping for a speedy recovery for her.
Hi there, my 1 y.o. Female veiled had her eggs (48) removed on December 18, 2012 along with a removal of her ovaries (spayed) and she has still not completely recovered! She is well and growing but her energy level is not perfect and her incision has not completely healed! Has your girl had her ovaries removed? I would expect her to be eating live feeders four days after coming home - my gal (over) ate when she got home and that was cause for a host of other problems, but she DID have an appetite! Also, my girl was not put on any painkillers but she did have liquid calcium. I am not familiar with carnivore care (every hour? is this food?) I am wondering if perhaps all of the medication she is on could be inhibiting her appetite or perhaps 'plugging her up'? Medication can cause constipation. Has she defacated since coming home? I think at this point I wouldn't worry too much as long as she's hydrated AND pooping. If she's not eating by day 7, I would call the vet that performed the surgery and see what he says. Better to be safe than sorry!

Good luck and well wishes to your girl!
Thanks chameleonmom, she's been spayed and has had a poop but not interested in live food, think the carni care is prob giving her all she needs. We've got a post op appt at the vet this morning :)
Vet was pleased with wound healing :) but is bit constipated, vomited lunch feed then fell off branch, back to vet and some subcutaneous fluids at vet. Just had some more subcut with me now and lights off, bed time for Karma fingers crossed for the night!
Got through night! Back to vet in pm, now has glucose injection x3 Zantac twice a day allupurinol once a day and cut back on carni care feeds to prevent constipation, not thrown up today! :)
How old is she? It's possible that this may be an option my my Tilly. It's obviously a last option but the vet is worried about her egg laying ability nowadays
Got through night! Back to vet in pm, now has glucose injection x3 Zantac twice a day allupurinol once a day and cut back on carni care feeds to prevent constipation, not thrown up today! :)

I'll be keeping you and your girl in my prayers.
Oh my God I'm reading this and I'm living the nightmare now she seemed to pic up and sat on stick but now she's flat out on towel is this normal she had op today
Oh my God I'm reading this and I'm living the nightmare now she seemed to pic up and sat on stick but now she's flat out on towel is this normal she had op today

I would say not normal. Is she still at the vets? My vet always keeps them over night to monitor them the first 24 hours.
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