veiled cham enclosure


New Member
What does everyone think? Is there anything I'm missing? I don't like the lucky bamoo, so I will replace it with a smaller ficus or a larger pothos and will add a vine or two across the cage. I'm running a 24" 5.0 t8 and a 60w heat bulb. Enclosure is 30"x18"x30". I have a digital temp/humidity guage on it to see what the basking temp will be. If needed I will upgrade to a 100w heat bulb. 85 degrees is the correct basking temp correct? I also moved the heat lamp over the ficus instead of the bamboo. Is there anything else I'm missing to keep a pair of veileds happy and healthy? Thanks, Stephen.

doesnt look too bad but i would loose the substrate and add a few larger ropes or sticks horizontally near the top of the cage.

i keep my temps around 85 to 90 and you cant keep 2 veils together.
You could probably keep a pair of veils in there if they're pretty young, but once they become sexually mature, you're probably gonna have to seperate them. And I believe a 30" tall cage will be sufficient for a while but it will be a bit small for one adult, let alone two. Bare minimum is 36" and that's for a female. Males will get a bit bigger and probably thrive better in at least a 4 foot cage.
thanks for the advice. Any reasons to remove the substrate? I was thinking it would help with humidiy. I have no problem with larger enclosures for adults. I see alot of 2'x2'x4' ones. Is something like that ok, 2' long seems small to me for some reason.
they can ingest the substrate which could lead to impaction. Lucky bamboo is HORRIBLE for chams, if they eat it it can be poisonus to them and veileds tend to be vege eaters

get the bamboo and substrate outa there and it looks perfct
You should not be keeping 2 together even in a larger cage. They will breed too young and will stress each other out.
Since you are going to be keeping a veiled in there and find yourself in need of a replacement for the bamboo, you should try your hand at hibiscus. It seems a lot of veilds on these forums enjoy eating the flowers that this plant produces.
thanks for the advice everyone. I will remove the substrate and bamboo and add some more branches and another small ficus. I would like to keep a pair, so I will have to start looking for another cage before getting a pair.
I will look for one and give it a try. Thanks.
Since you are going to be keeping a veiled in there and find yourself in need of a replacement for the bamboo, you should try your hand at hibiscus. It seems a lot of veilds on these forums enjoy eating the flowers that this plant produces.
If you search around the site you should be able to find plenty of info to help you get flowers off the hibiscus, from my understanding they can be touchy plants.

You'll probably end up needing to purchase a specialized plant bulb but it's not too much. I got mine with the lamp for under $20.
Can you help me understand your enclosure please? I don't have my chameleon yet, still reading and learning form this website.

So in your picture, on the top left is just a regular lightbulb in one of those metal clip on holders? How long do you leave it on for? Is it sitting right on the screen?

On the right is the 24" 5.0 t8? Is it sitting right on the screen? How long do you leave it on for?

Do you just open the door a couple times per day and spray a bunch of water all over for the humidity to stay up?

I have my lights all attached to one timer. It goes on at 7:30am and turns off at 5:30pm (it used to be 12 on/off for the summer, but brought it back due to the change in seasons)

As far as water goes. I bought myself a Mist King auto systems before I got my cham. That itself is on a different timer that runs at various intervals throughout the day.

I live in Central, WI and its winter so the humidity sucks. I bought a window insulation kit from a hardware store and did the windows in the my room (where I keep the cham) It has helped keep the room more stable and I used the leftover plastic and wrapped up 3 sides of the enclosure to help keep in humidity. Now it doesn't get below 50 anymore.
Thanks for the tips Silkyslim. Will you remove the plastic on the enclosure when the weather warms up and the humidity increases?

I want to order a mistking system very soon and I'm wondering how you deal with the added water in the cage. I'm guessing that is why most build DIY enclosures with a drain pan at the bottom.
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