Veiled Chameleon Acting Unusual

i have an appointment monday at the exotic animal clinic in my area, i talked to her on the phone for awhile and she even said i could bring him to her house if i needed. she was very nice! im going to bring droppings into the appointment as well as pysche, (chameleon's name btw. ) :)

i have a thermometer in there now and the temp is 81 degrees.

&&& im giving him total darkness for nightime.
i also notice he/she hasn't been at the bottom hardly at all today. :D
So you are not sure if it is a male or female?. The way to tell the Veilds sex is to check the middle of the back of the back feet. They have a little point that sticks out called a Tarsal Spur. If you don''t see any, then you got a female for sure.
Could you take a picture that showed the back of his rear legs/feet? There are people here who've been breeding and handling veileds for years so they could probably answer that question for you, even at this age.
The mass on his vent may be a fungal infection, the vet messed with it a bit and was tempted to pull it off but since he is so small he left it. He gave me BNP ointment to rub on the mass until it falls off.

He does have MBD and gave me Calcium Glubionate and to give him .01 cc by mouth every 12 hours.

We went to the vet on the 24th and he's doing much better, the mass is so much smaller, and im still putting the BNP ointment on it.

Today i got a 5.0 UVB light!!!!!!!!!!! YAY GO ME! i would've got one sooner but i didnt have the money. When i set up the light Psyche crawled up to the top and was loving it!
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