Veiled chameleon breeding Questions

Hi i have a 1 year old male veiled and a 2 year old female veiled that i would like to breed. my female has never laid any eggs in her life time. so i have some q's yesterday i noticed she was looking somewhat receptive. So i decided to place my male in her cage to see what would happen, she stayed in her purching area and he poofed up and displayed vivid bright colors. but he stayed in his corner they DID NOT move for hours. So i gave up and put him back in his cage. Today i decided to put her in his cage, he got all vivid and excited, she was calm for about 2 minutes, he lunged towards her and tried to mount, immediately she turned black as black could get, so i seperated them. Some questions that i have are, 1. Does male get introduced in her cage or visa versa? 2. Since shes never layed eggs, will she be receptive? 3. Do i need to block off them seeing eachother as their cages are close? 4. & why is it that he only seems interested to make a move when shes in his cage? 5. What season do they normally turn receptive?
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