veiled chameleon coloring

You can buy the 5.0 UBV bulb, hood, dome light fixture, plants, vines, ect all at Petsmart. But Pssh is right they are cheaper online. You can see photos of my setup HERE
Naps are not good. Can you post some nice clear pictures of him?

You can buy those lights at petsmart, but they are about $40 where online they are $14 plus a little shipping.

im debating waiting the shipping time to get the light or just buying it with gift cards that i have recieved. Ive only had him a few days but it seems like he is eating very little maybe 5 crickets and a meal worm in 3 days dont think thats good, by the way my friend had him a week before i got him because i didnt have a cage for him at the time. thanks


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From the pictures his casque looks a little bit sunken in. Is the skin on each side of his casque somewhat round, flat, or sunken in? If its sunken in he's on the thin side. Is it possible to take him outside for some sun? that would suffice until you get the bulb, and it would even be better than the bulb if you could get him a few hours of natural sun light every day.

His eyes look a little sunken in to me, but it could just be because you are taking pictures of him. My veiled sucks his eyeballs right into his head when I try to take him out (a little exaggerated... ) How often do you mist? The sunken in eyes would indicate that he id dehydrated or ill. What color is the white part of his poops? Yellow, white, orange?

Does he always keep that pattern? That is a stress pattern.
From the pictures his casque looks a little bit sunken in. Is the skin on each side of his casque somewhat round, flat, or sunken in? If its sunken in he's on the thin side. Is it possible to take him outside for some sun? that would suffice until you get the bulb, and it would even be better than the bulb if you could get him a few hours of natural sun light every day.

His eyes look a little sunken in to me, but it could just be because you are taking pictures of him. My veiled sucks his eyeballs right into his head when I try to take him out (a little exaggerated... ) How often do you mist? The sunken in eyes would indicate that he id dehydrated or ill. What color is the white part of his poops? Yellow, white, orange?

Does he always keep that pattern? That is a stress pattern.
alright his eyes arent sunken in i just checked on him, ill take him out right now, ive had him for 3 days now and i have been spraying 4 or 5 times a day already sprayed 2 today. The white part is yellow.I am leaving now to get him some fake branches or maybe a ficus if i can. in his cage he seems to have the pattern a bit but when i take him out he sometimes changes pure green with yellow or stays. he hasnt eaten the crickets and mealworms have been in for a while and i have left him alone pretty much all day.He is sleeping right now to. :( I dont know what to do.
Getting plants is a good idea. He may feel more comfortable eating with more plants. That being said, not all babies are meant to make it, so dont take it too hard if he takes a turn for the worst. Veileds are hardy though.

Maybe someone else will think of something I haven't.
Getting plants is a good idea. He may feel more comfortable eating with more plants. That being said, not all babies are meant to make it, so dont take it too hard if he takes a turn for the worst. Veileds are hardy though.

Maybe someone else will think of something I haven't.
some new additions to the cage. I just ordered my mist king and getting the repti glo 5.0 hopefully tomorrow.


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