srry for all these threads but im trying to be as prepared as possible! since this is my first chameleon ever! ok so i dont need to go over plants water cage etc. just food! since i heard a post of someone talking about how picky theyre chameleon is this got me thinking! since i still yet dont have the chameleon i was thinking of feeding it a variety diet! it will be roaches,hornworms,superworms, and crickets. i wanted to buy right now hornworms and superworms to breed for a head start( i already know everything for breeding) and when i purchase my chameleon i will buy the crickets and roaches all together. but the thing is will my chameleon even eat all of this!? this picky thing got me worried? will my veiled chameleon eat a varied diet? whats that chance it will be a picky guy? if it comes out picky what can i do!? should i really buy all of this? will i just waste tons of money?, my estimate is $50 on all the feeders above and i wouldnt like to throw all that money away! im trying to make this chameleon the happiest chameleon! any help plz!!? appreciate it! btw: its a 7-9 inch male veiled