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Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled , Female , Roughly 5 months old.
Handling - Less often, she hisses very bad if i go near he back but if my hand is nearer her head she climbs on my hand.
Feeding - Locusts mainly. Was Around 8 medium locusts per day, however last couple of weeks she will only eat between 1 - 2 bugs a day.
Supplements - Nutribal everyday.
Watering - I mist twice a day with a spray bottle and have a dripper dripping one drop per second for about 10 mins every day.
Fecal Description - Brown with little white part, sometimes has a little yellow in the white part. She has never been tested for parasites.
History - Had one shut around two months ago and then she eventually closed both eyes and was very ill, wouldn't eat / move. I tried everything from saline rinses to showers, termycin the lot... in the end i decided to try vit A capsules.. i tried one dab of vit A on a feeders back for around two weeks with not much improvement so i upped the dosage to everyday 1 locusts with a little dab of vitamin A liquid and within a couple of days she was significantly better. However, i carried this on every day for around 3 weeks, as soon as i stopped feeding her the vit A 2 days later she was very ill again, and as soon as i started again she got better.. this doesnt make much sense as i dont think everyone else has to feed their chams vit A like this.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptile One ReptEvo 60x45x61cm
Lighting - Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 (recommended one by vet etc)
For basking i have a HOBBY Neodyminum Basking Spot Daylight bulb.
Temperature - 79.5 at basking spot, measured using digital reptile thermometer. Have not checked temperature at bottom as she is always at the top.
Humidity - Have not got a humidity gauge yet as store is out of stock and waiting for delivery - misting schedule described above.
Plants - just artificial reptile plants.
Placement - On top of unit out of way of windows vents etc. Top of cage is eye level.
Location - Essex, England.
The last two weeks I have noticed her eating less and less and has come down to between 1 and 2 bugs a day? is this not enough for a cham of this age? and also she has seemed to have gone 'soft' and not shooting her tongue hard at prey but instead slowly grasping them. Additonally to this the last few days she has started rubbing her eye all over the wood and plants in the viv? (she is also a lot more clumsy lately) Ohh and also she has what seems to look like salt?? around her nostrils sometimes.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Adam & karma.
Your Chameleon - Veiled , Female , Roughly 5 months old.
Handling - Less often, she hisses very bad if i go near he back but if my hand is nearer her head she climbs on my hand.
Feeding - Locusts mainly. Was Around 8 medium locusts per day, however last couple of weeks she will only eat between 1 - 2 bugs a day.
Supplements - Nutribal everyday.
Watering - I mist twice a day with a spray bottle and have a dripper dripping one drop per second for about 10 mins every day.
Fecal Description - Brown with little white part, sometimes has a little yellow in the white part. She has never been tested for parasites.
History - Had one shut around two months ago and then she eventually closed both eyes and was very ill, wouldn't eat / move. I tried everything from saline rinses to showers, termycin the lot... in the end i decided to try vit A capsules.. i tried one dab of vit A on a feeders back for around two weeks with not much improvement so i upped the dosage to everyday 1 locusts with a little dab of vitamin A liquid and within a couple of days she was significantly better. However, i carried this on every day for around 3 weeks, as soon as i stopped feeding her the vit A 2 days later she was very ill again, and as soon as i started again she got better.. this doesnt make much sense as i dont think everyone else has to feed their chams vit A like this.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Reptile One ReptEvo 60x45x61cm
Lighting - Zoomed Reptisun 5.0 (recommended one by vet etc)
For basking i have a HOBBY Neodyminum Basking Spot Daylight bulb.
Temperature - 79.5 at basking spot, measured using digital reptile thermometer. Have not checked temperature at bottom as she is always at the top.
Humidity - Have not got a humidity gauge yet as store is out of stock and waiting for delivery - misting schedule described above.
Plants - just artificial reptile plants.
Placement - On top of unit out of way of windows vents etc. Top of cage is eye level.
Location - Essex, England.
The last two weeks I have noticed her eating less and less and has come down to between 1 and 2 bugs a day? is this not enough for a cham of this age? and also she has seemed to have gone 'soft' and not shooting her tongue hard at prey but instead slowly grasping them. Additonally to this the last few days she has started rubbing her eye all over the wood and plants in the viv? (she is also a lot more clumsy lately) Ohh and also she has what seems to look like salt?? around her nostrils sometimes.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Adam & karma.