Veiled Chameleon Growth?


New Member
I got my chameleon in the middle of december and she hasn't seemed to grow much since then if any at all. She has gotten a bit chunkier, but no length growth. From what I've researched they should grow at a substantial rate when they are younger. She is healthy, eats and drinks regularly, so I was wondering if there might be a reason or just a late bloomer?
Any advice or info would be great! Thanks

I got her at 4 or 5 weeks old and she's just under 2 inches excluding her tail.
Idk really.... Mine grew at a rapid rate up until winter then they just slowed down... was kinda worried myself for awhile
I have 8 week old babies - they are about 2 inches excluding tails. They were born Dec 6-8.

Is it possible yours was younger than you thought? Even if the age is correct they grow at different rates and as long as yours is healthy and eating and drinking I wouldn't worry - they can grow in spurts then slow down ...
I thought it might be from winter so I have the caged warmed up a bit because of the cold and she is a bit more active now. I am just worried
Thanks photoprincess! I might just be worrying, but I'm just guesstimating her age from when I got her.
We all worry - especially when they are little! I think we all slow down in the winter and as long as you are watching her overall health you'll be fine!
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