Veiled Chameleon- male or female?


New Member
Hello, I just got a baby veiled chameleon from a pet shop and the sales person didn't even know its sex!

I want to know if my baby is female or male!

is there any way I can easily figure it out by looking at my chameleon?
the male will have a little spur sticking out at the bottom of his back foot ...if its a female no spur.

And it's not really going to look like a spur, but a little bump. It will look like this-

having a hard time identifying the sex for my cham as well..
I've thought he was a little dude for about 8 months now.. have done a ton of research and have seen what other's post I'm just very unsure still..honestly a straight answer would set me right. If Zepplin is a female, I need to read more and prepare myself for her to possibly lay eggs.
Things that make me doubt :
-The colors are not as vibrant as what others suggest for males..
-Zepplin does have the little bump (genitalia bump) some claim as male parts..
-Zepplin's veil is super triangular in shape on his head..
-When I first tried to tell if Zepplin was a male or female after I first got him, I could have swore I saw spurs on the back feet! That's the only reason I figured Zepplin was male in the past. Now when I look I can't tell if guess..
Any help?! Just really want to clear this up lol.It would be much appreciated!
Okay, done with rant!


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having a hard time identifying the sex for my cham as well..
I've thought he was a little dude for about 8 months now.. have done a ton of research and have seen what other's post I'm just very unsure still..honestly a straight answer would set me right. If Zepplin is a female, I need to read more and prepare myself for her to possibly lay eggs.
Things that make me doubt :
-The colors are not as vibrant as what others suggest for males..
-Zepplin does have the little bump (genitalia bump) some claim as male parts..
-Zepplin's veil is super triangular in shape on his head..
-When I first tried to tell if Zepplin was a male or female after I first got him, I could have swore I saw spurs on the back feet! That's the only reason I figured Zepplin was male in the past. Now when I look I can't tell if guess..
Any help?! Just really want to clear this up lol.It would be much appreciated!
Okay, done with rant!
Looks like female to me. Better pics of back feet please
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