Veiled Chameleon not eating crickets


New Member
my chameleon has not been eating crickets as of far is i can tell he is getting enough water and is taking meal worms by hand when they are offered. He is misted regularly and has a live plant in the cage (umbrella tree) that he does eat off of. The cage is a 36x18x18 class tank with a mesh top. I have two bulbs one for basking and another heat lamp set off for keeping the temps at an ok level at night. Im not sure what i should do as it has been about three days and he usually goes right for them
Do you have a UVB light? And do you dust your crickets with calcium?? And did you say he is taking worms but not crickets ?
you shouldnt worry so much about it, my chameleon hasnt ate a single cricket in like 3 or 4 months. ive tried to gime em in between but hes not interested at all. try to gime em super worms or mealworms how your doing. mine on a regular basis eats geckos and lizards. hes doing really fine. people tell me hes really big and its prolly due to that. i dnt give my chameleon any of those vitamins that all other people reccomend. mine is outside 24/7 hes doing really well.
i think you should stop feeding worms for a couple of days and try roaches if not give it one more day and offer crickets,eating worms is not really good in the long run.Main staple food should be crickets,roaches,or locust but since u in usa its possible and impossible lol
you shouldnt worry so much about it, my chameleon hasnt ate a single cricket in like 3 or 4 months. ive tried to gime em in between but hes not interested at all. try to gime em super worms or mealworms how your doing. mine on a regular basis eats geckos and lizards. hes doing really fine. people tell me hes really big and its prolly due to that. i dnt give my chameleon any of those vitamins that all other people reccomend. mine is outside 24/7 hes doing really well.

You feed your chameleon gecko's and lizards?!?!? What?!?!?!
i find it crazy to ,but they have gave him advice and i guess he still does it.i feel so bad for those cham cause its okay at first but then so many things can happen.
yea, y not? those are his favorite things to eat. as soon as i throw a lizard in his cage hes at it. i try to give him 3 to 4 inch lizards and has never had n e problem. Another thing. I think people are wrong about the coldest temperature a veiled chameleon can tolerate. mines been outside since i got him. recently were gettin sum cold weather at nite ranging from 50 to 60 and hes been outside when ive recorded 52, and nuttin has happpened to him. i actually think hes healthier than most chameleons i have seen.
cause maybe 60 is fine and 52 it will be cold but unfourtunaley he has no heat source cause with owner like you he probably hides and sleeps uncomfortable .and just throwing lizards at a cham who suppose to digest little insect does have a down fall those anole and lizards have bones that can hurt a cham but you wouldnt know cause your to worry about your cham looking cool.
yea, y not? those are his favorite things to eat. as soon as i throw a lizard in his cage hes at it. i try to give him 3 to 4 inch lizards and has never had n e problem. Another thing. I think people are wrong about the coldest temperature a veiled chameleon can tolerate. mines been outside since i got him. recently were gettin sum cold weather at nite ranging from 50 to 60 and hes been outside when ive recorded 52, and nuttin has happpened to him. i actually think hes healthier than most chameleons i have seen.

Why not? Because they are insectivores they shouldn't be eating other lizards, and he doesn't know any better !! Youve obviously put him in a cage with other lizards He shouldn't have been in a cage with other lizards in the first place to even be able to eat one? And I've just read your other post, you were saying thanks to everyone for their advice then now your saying your just going to carry on feeding them even thou people who KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT just told you what could happen to him if you carry on feeding him lizards ? Why get a chameleon without researching first ? You obviously can't know much if you think feeding lizards is a good thing?? Post some pictures of your Cham please?
not looking cool. jus trying to mimic how it would b in the wild. how have i seen other people recommend to give female pinky mice. wat do u think that does. oppose to a baby lizard.
yea, and i did appreciate the advice. so im jus gonna let him starve to death. cuz no matter wat he wont eat ne crickets wat so ever
well i dont plan on givin him ne pinki mice wat so ever and u make it seem like i feed him lizards every day. thats jus wat he prefers to eat. i do give him meal worms and super worms as well. prefers the lizards over anything tho.
besides, wat makes u all chameleon experts? if i was doing sumtin wrong my jacksons and veiled would both b having problems.
well i dont plan on givin him ne pinki mice wat so ever and u make it seem like i feed him lizards every day. thats jus wat he prefers to eat. i do give him meal worms and super worms as well. prefers the lizards over anything tho.

Right so he does eat insects then? You should b cutting the lizards out completely ! If he is hungry HE WILLL EAT! My Cham has gone on a hunger strike couple of times and only wanted super worms so I tried giving him roaches he was having none of it, so he ate nothing for about a week till he was real hungry and he finally eat a nice fat roach and now he eats them every feeding an loves them ! There is ways around it you've just got to be patient not just feed him another lizard! Your going to get nowhere and neither is your Cham !!
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