Veiled Chameleon not eating crickets

scratch all that. im not trying to get into ne discussions. to each his own, right. i had a question tho? how can i upload a pic? ive been trying. i would really like for u to take a look at my chameleon, and tell me his not healthy.
i appreciate your concern, i really do. i was goin crazy, when he wouldnt eat ne crickets. trust me i have tried. it just doesnt work ne more. i rather have him eat, than not eat ne thing at all
thanks for the advice, i will stop worrying so much and just be a lil more patient. Perhaps I will try tossing in a water dragon and see what happens tho!!! JK
And you haven't tried hard enough by just giving in and giving him lizards again, like I said my ham hasn't eaten for a week and a half one time coz he was like addicted to super worms and would not eat anything else, I tried with roaches everyday if he didn't eat them he goes without end of story, then he finally gave in and munched a fat roach so now if he doesn't eat his roaches he doesn't get anything , they can go a couple of weeks without eating, but they will eat eventually its instinct they have to live, just don't feed him anything for about 4 days n I bet you he will eat some insects and if not leave him abit longer he will eat !
thanks for the advice, i will stop worrying so much and just be a lil more patient. Perhaps I will try tossing in a water dragon and see what happens tho!!! JK

Haha am so sorry ur post has been bombarded !! And what lights do you use ? Do you have a UVB light and do you dust your bugs with calcium,? Just if he isn't eating properly could do with his temps, not dusting, incorrect lighting?
i appreciate your concern, i really do. i was goin crazy, when he wouldnt eat ne crickets. trust me i have tried. it just doesnt work ne more. i rather have him eat, than not eat ne thing at all

Yeah but seriously , you need to be taking advice off people on here and I didn't say I was an expert I just did a hell of a a lot of research before i got a cham and my cousin is a breeder of chameleons and he lives just around the corner from me and he has around 100 chameleons, Im no expert just know that chameleons should not have the opportunity to eat another lizards they shouldn't even be in the same cage!! And I'd love to see a pic of your Cham coz your healthy and mine are a lot different I guarantee, and you think he is healthy because he is fat? Cham's aren't supposed to be fat, they should have a balanced diet , these lizards your feeding him have bones in them cham's aren't made for digesting none so sooner or later he is going to take a turn for the worse, we're not tryna scare you just telling u the truth , feel so sorry for that Cham of yours!!
scratch all that. im not trying to get into ne discussions. to each his own, right. i had a question tho? how can i upload a ,pic? ive been trying. i would really like for u to take a look at my chameleon, and tell me his not healthy.

And do you use the tapatalk app or just a computer? Coz I know how to post pics from tapatalk but not from pc tho, n like I said not tryna have a go here just tryna give u some advice so ur Cham has a chance , coz seriously mate some bad stuff is gonna happen to his health, if ur saying he is fat then that rings alarm bells for me strait away he shouldn't be fat, he will end up with GOUT and that can slowly kill the little fella, research it ?
Discontinue the feeding of small lizards. Your cham will have digestion problems...

Thanks for chiming in , surely with everyone telling him this it must click in his head that what he is doing to that Cham is going to make him suffer horribly in the future!!
dont feed him small lizards. you could also make him sick from the bacteria the lizard has on it and you impact him.
my chameleon has not been eating crickets as of far is i can tell he is getting enough water and is taking meal worms by hand when they are offered. He is misted regularly and has a live plant in the cage (umbrella tree) that he does eat off of. The cage is a 36x18x18 class tank with a mesh top. I have two bulbs one for basking and another heat lamp set off for keeping the temps at an ok level at night. Im not sure what i should do as it has been about three days and he usually goes right for them

Is the tank an aquarium? What type of cham do you have? Most do better in screen cages that are taller than they are wide. Are you using a UVb light? What supplements are you providing and on what schedule? I would recommend filling out this form....

it woudl really help provide enough information for people to help figure out what is going on. You should also be providing a wide variety of feeders like silk worms, horn worms, roaches, mantids etc. Are you gut loading the feeders? Also there should not be any light on at night. If the temps are below 60 (low temp depends on species) or so you could use a ceramic heat emitter.
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