Veiled chameleon not using one of her legs properly and laying on branch


New Member
So the keep it short I have a 2 year old veiled, she's had 3 clutchs of eggs no problem, get fed calcium cricket with d3 once every other week, and the multivitamin on the following weeks. I use sun glow 100w and a reptile uvb 100. Very healthy other wise, eats fine, I gave her a little bit of strawberry and grape to help her feel better. She eats hibiscus flower every now and then. I have no reason to believe she fell at any time. Few days earlier she was climbing around a small tree I have near my window ceil and she occasionally crawls down and wonders around. I came back and she was on a pillow but I put her back and she was fine. She's been sleeping on branches with her arm hanging down and I thought she was just chilling but now she's not really grasping or even try's to avoid using that arm. Her from right specifically. It's not swollen or obviously broken in any ways I can see but she will put very little weight on it and when she does, she doesn't grasp very strong. All her other legs are very firm. Could she be calcium deficient or maybe a springed ankle for a fast movement? Please help and if you have any sugjestions before I take her to vet say something. I'd hate to get there and then X-ray for her to be fine and pay that bill. If I must I'll do it but if it's fixable I'll get it done.

Also I put a dropper on every day for about a full glass worth of water. She's sleeping in the pic and I kept waking her up. Sorry.
How often do you use calcium without d3?
Every other day and I don't use it on the days she gets the one with d3 and the multivitimes. Woke up this morning and she's still laying on her branch but instead of letting the arm hang she has it underneath her again. Still not much weight on it but hopefully it's just a sprang ankle if possible.

Also here are some pics of my set up
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