Veiled chameleon shedding


New Member
My veiled chameleon had been shedding for a while is there anything I could do too help him iv tried spraying him and the viv with warm water I also have a repti fogger But not used it in a while he doesn't like it
I would shower him. Place a perch in the shower that is stable and that he can easily and comfortably sit on. I like to point the shower head against the wall and let the off spray and humidity do it's work. Don't let the water hit him directly. Only put the water on luke warm because chameleons can easily burn. I would also give him a couple 45 minute sessions in this case so that he can complete his shed entirely. Good luck!
I would shower him but he's not really tame he only comes out on his terms but that's now and again so need another solution his humidity is between 80/90 and can't get it any higher
Increasing humidity will help the shedding process. How old is your cham? Unless the shed is leaving rings on the tail or legs and impeding blood flow I wouldn't worry. Shedding can take days.
Sometimes when shedding rings of shedding skin can be left behind on the limbs or tail. I've read these can cause issues of blood flow to the extremities.​
80-90% humidity for a veiled is plenty. I keep mine at 60%70 and even that's ok. But since your humidity is all ready at such a high percentage, a shower is definitely going to help in your case.
Have you tried a long stick? Tuck it under him, when he's on it, you got him. Or you could leave the stick in place till he gets's on it, then grab it and go. Grab another plant, leave it outside his cage with the door open and put a stick between the two till he climbs on it. Get creative.
Yes luke warm. No hot water though, they can burn very easily! If you have to get him out, then you have to get him out. Use a stick or something. If not, just keep misting heavily.
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