Veiled Chameleon "sounds"


New Member
Has anyone noticed when they hold there Veiled chameleon that that make like a low grunt, pretty much inaudible, you can feel it though, Its almost like there vibrating, like a grunt...Its hard to explain. And only when they are mad. I noticed this with my previous Male veiled chameleon...And now with my new one.

Is it just me or do they do this? And if they do is it males and females? Or just males, Or just females?

Still unsure of the sex of my veiled. he/she is getting VERY colorful now though, NO yellows yet, But its like his/her green is pretty much blue, like blue green mint or seafoam, and starting to see bands where a normal yellow band would be, just not yellow yet. I just thought maybe I could tell from this grunting thing, if both males and females did this.... Thanks for and advice! :)
These vibrations are something that they do when they are threatened and feel intimidated ... it's a defense technique.

If your veiled is a male it should have a little spur (think extra toe without a nail) on the backs of his feet. I'm sure that someone has a picture of one.

I know about the spurs, He /she just has a little tiny thing that could or might not be a spur. So I just dont know :(

I have posted other threads asking if he was male or female, and one thread everyone thought female, then I posted another with new pics and then majority thought male. eeerrrrrr, I just wish I could know.

Thanks for replying!
Those are interesting articles!

hermie usually does his vibrations right before he gets his subq injections ... :( so I've always taken it as a "Leave me allllooonnnneeee!" plea.

These vibrations are something that they do when they are threatened and feel intimidated ... it's a defense technique.

If your veiled is a male it should have a little spur (think extra toe without a nail) on the backs of his feet. I'm sure that someone has a picture of one.


Sorry to be stupid, But i thought this was a sign that the chameleon is female ? (the spur)
If your correct i better change the name of my chameleon :)
My veild "purrs". I have only heard the male do it when he is relaxed and I am stroking his ridge on his back. He is definately not stressed when he does it.
I try to post a picture but it says the upload failed....Why? I have posted pics before with out this problem....

Anyway, I put a big pot of dirt in his/her enclosure just in case ;) I guess If I see him/her starting to dig a tunnel my mystery will be solved. haha

But I have heard of some people owning male veilds that just have very small spurs that you cant hardly tell...But are 100% male....So I dont know.
Sorry to be stupid, But i thought this was a sign that the chameleon is female ? (the spur)
If your correct i better change the name of my chameleon :)

the spurs indicate it being a male so you should definitely start picking out guy names. Kinda like the man named sue :p
really interesting links that kinyonga provided,my 7 mnth old male cham produces the little "grunts" but only when he is asleep tucked up by my neck under my hair(rare situation,he is usually grouchy lol)..its odd,hopefully they will soon discover the meaning behind these almost inaudible sounds and vibrations.:)
i once had to to give my chameleons medicine and my female was vibrating and making some noise. She was definately mad at me tho coz i had to hold her like the vet would and put medicine in her mouth.

My female Veiled has never done that, I have never ever handled my male he faints as soon as I put my hand in his cage:eek: Mr. over dramatic :rolleyes: and my others do not do that either while handling I just have the newbie that bloats himself up and gives a good hiss, but he lets me handle him without freaking. Go figure.
Both our Veiled made little "caw" sounds when they were 2-3 months, never hear the adults make a noise, except the occasional hiss.
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