Veiled chameleon stuck shed :(


New Member
My 5mo veiled chameleon started shedding last thursday and for once hasnt managed to shed the skin on his tail or face. He shed the skin on his lower mouth and his eyes but the large veil at the top and his upper face looks white his tail also hasn't shed.
His humidity is around 50% I'm finding it difficult to keep the humidity higher than that without the eco earth substrate being basically water which isnt good when he keeps wanting to go on the ground and dig or rub his face on the glass walls. He also has a dripper set up and I'm going to go get him a live plant to raise the humidity.
Any ideas what else I can do? He has never taken this long to shed before :confused:
Can I use zoo med repti shedding aid? Will it help any?
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The shedding aid might help, but most importantly you need to make sure the humidity is high enough, and you mist the cage enough. I have an automatic mister set to mist for 15 minutes three times a day.
Also you want to make sure there are plenty of branches and foliage, because they like to rub against them to remove shedding skin. If there is not enough I can see this as being an issue.
What kind of enclosure is it? If it's glass, then maintaining humidity shouldn't be an issue; rather being too humid is what I hear a lot from owners who house in glass enclosures. I have a screen cage 2x2x4 and a couple plants inside and my humidity levels are fine.
Hope this helps
Thanks for replying, yes its glass. It's an exo terra 45 x 45 x 60 he has a large grapevine and a tree root with some fake plants stuck to the glass I also added a bit of cork bark for him when I seen he had issues shedding and he seemed to like it but it hasn't helped any and I'm waiting on a jungle vine I've ordered for him to arrive.
I'm not sure if it changes anything but I'm in the UK and mesh tanks don't seem to be widely used here, I think the humidity might be an issue even in glass tanks?
I've covered half his tank lid with damp kitchen roll and hope this helps him :(
I usually only mist twice a day and he has had 2 previous sheds with no bother but since noticing his issues I'm misting him basically 5 times a day sometimes directly with warm water but it hasn't helped. :S
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, around 5mo, been in my care since mid october of last year so 4 months.
Handling - Only when cleaning cage so once a month at the most.
Feeding - His main diet is locusts gut loaded on dark greens, veg and sometimes fruit. He also gets morioworms, dubia roaches and waxworms as a treat about 2 a week.
Supplements - nutroball 3 times a week (mon, tues and fri)
Watering - I see him drinking from either his foliage or the dripper. I mist him 2ce a day although recently its been around 5 times a day
Fecal Description - His fecal matter is normal and has not changed from one long brown part and one yellowy white part. Unknown if he has been tested for parasites but I purchased him from a reputable reptile store.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Exo terra 45x45x60 mesh lid.
Lighting - 8am-8pm 5% 18Watt arcadia UVB24" and 75Watt exo terra basking spot light in a medium porcelain clamp lamp glow light by exo terra both on top of the mesh lid.
Temperature - basking spot around 22degrees celcius measured with a exo terra digital thermo-hygro
Humidity - exo terra thermo-hygro measures the humidity also and its currently at around the mid to high 50s
Plants - None
Placement - In the livingroom against the wall on the floor.
Location - Scotland
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