Veiled chameleon - possibly SICK - please help
9 month old chameleon.
He(or she) seems to be hanging out at the bottom of the cage alot lately. Not sure why. He doesnt seem to pursue his food like he used to.
Bit of background.
He was purchased by my sons school as a classroom pet. Over the school year he became increasingly stressed out to the point where he would hiss at everyone who tried to touch him and completely freak out. We had limited interaction in the fist place, knowing that chameleons do not handle well. But he seemed to be getting worse. BUT - his color and eating habits were good.
tall enclosure with some coverage and vines. The water drip system always seemed to be over flowing the dishes below it and soaking the whole cage floor. I used to have an exoterra carpet on the floor - which would get nasty and dirty and have an inch of water if I didnt come to school and clean it every other day. Note I do not work at the school. Its a small church sponsored school where I ended up having to take time off of work and go and care for animals.
Because of the constant overflowing of water and the stress of the chameleon - I took it home. I asked the breeder that the school got him from - what I could do about the water overflowing in the bottom of the tank etc. He recommended I put reptile wood chips (same I use for my snake) in the bottom. This seems to work well as they absorb the water well and then dry out - keeping the tank at a regulated temperature and humidity.
I added more climbing vines and pho-plants for camoflauge for him to hid in. THe additional vines, lack of school children and lots of hiding spots seems to have really helped him.
He got more friendly and didnt freak when my hand came near him to clean cage (note I am not holding him - no one does)...but he does not spazz out any longer when I try to clean the cage. (he would puff up, hiss, put his little horns on his head up).
Anyway, today I went in to clean the cage and mist and I noticed him at the bottom of the tank. I picked him up to move him up high to I could clear out the wood chips...and his belly felt slimmy and he seems cool to the touch.
I admit I do not have a thermoter in the tank or a humidity thing in tank - but till this week he seemed healthy and active, since taking him home. Not sure what is up.
I also observed him drinking water from the bottom of the tank where the water drips into a bowl. I thought chameleons didnt drinks tanding water. that worries me. I emptied bowl and cleaned it...because he goes to the bathroom in it. I dont know why he is drinking standing water when I mist several times a day and have a dripper system.
I am a novice at this and I am doing the best I can do. Please dont jump all over me. Just need help.
My ball python is strong and has a great tank as well and doesnt seem to be suffering from any issues. Same with my bunny - five bantum chickens, 2 cats, 1 dog and the steer and lamb on the 4H farm. All my animals are well cared for and healthy except the chameleon - what am I doing wrong?
I know chameleons are a bit more tricky...guidance MUCH appreciated.
9 month old chameleon.
He(or she) seems to be hanging out at the bottom of the cage alot lately. Not sure why. He doesnt seem to pursue his food like he used to.
Bit of background.
He was purchased by my sons school as a classroom pet. Over the school year he became increasingly stressed out to the point where he would hiss at everyone who tried to touch him and completely freak out. We had limited interaction in the fist place, knowing that chameleons do not handle well. But he seemed to be getting worse. BUT - his color and eating habits were good.
tall enclosure with some coverage and vines. The water drip system always seemed to be over flowing the dishes below it and soaking the whole cage floor. I used to have an exoterra carpet on the floor - which would get nasty and dirty and have an inch of water if I didnt come to school and clean it every other day. Note I do not work at the school. Its a small church sponsored school where I ended up having to take time off of work and go and care for animals.
Because of the constant overflowing of water and the stress of the chameleon - I took it home. I asked the breeder that the school got him from - what I could do about the water overflowing in the bottom of the tank etc. He recommended I put reptile wood chips (same I use for my snake) in the bottom. This seems to work well as they absorb the water well and then dry out - keeping the tank at a regulated temperature and humidity.
I added more climbing vines and pho-plants for camoflauge for him to hid in. THe additional vines, lack of school children and lots of hiding spots seems to have really helped him.
He got more friendly and didnt freak when my hand came near him to clean cage (note I am not holding him - no one does)...but he does not spazz out any longer when I try to clean the cage. (he would puff up, hiss, put his little horns on his head up).
Anyway, today I went in to clean the cage and mist and I noticed him at the bottom of the tank. I picked him up to move him up high to I could clear out the wood chips...and his belly felt slimmy and he seems cool to the touch.
I admit I do not have a thermoter in the tank or a humidity thing in tank - but till this week he seemed healthy and active, since taking him home. Not sure what is up.
I also observed him drinking water from the bottom of the tank where the water drips into a bowl. I thought chameleons didnt drinks tanding water. that worries me. I emptied bowl and cleaned it...because he goes to the bathroom in it. I dont know why he is drinking standing water when I mist several times a day and have a dripper system.
I am a novice at this and I am doing the best I can do. Please dont jump all over me. Just need help.
My ball python is strong and has a great tank as well and doesnt seem to be suffering from any issues. Same with my bunny - five bantum chickens, 2 cats, 1 dog and the steer and lamb on the 4H farm. All my animals are well cared for and healthy except the chameleon - what am I doing wrong?
I know chameleons are a bit more tricky...guidance MUCH appreciated.