Veiled Diet

My computer hasn't been working for a while and I'm currently on my phone.
Quick question about my Veild: he's a few months old now and he has only been eating crickets, I was wondering if and when I can start introducing new foods like other bugs and fruit/veggies. If can start feeding him fruit/veggies, what would you suggest first? Right now I have some raspberrys, blueberries, tomatoes, pears, peaches, mangoes and mushrooms. I don't want to end up feeding him something that's not good for him so I'd really appreciate some advice! Thank you
Side note: I spray down his habitat the most I can and I have a very shallow dish in his cage, though he still does not hydrate as well as I wish he did. Will feeding fruit to him help him with that?
They usually don't show an interest in fruits and veggies until a little older. You can still try wiggling around some pieces of pear (without skin),raspberry, bluebery,peach,and mango(without seeds or skin). For bugs, you can try small wax worms,superworms,dubai roaches,horn worms, butterworms,etc.
Also fruit flies for bigger chameleons almost adds nothing to his diet. Just gutload your feeders with fruits and veggies.
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