Veiled eating pothos


New Member
Ender has been eating his pothos like no other plant before. He loves it!! :)

However, I want to make sure that I'm not under-feeding him at all. I've been feeding him like 6-10 superworms a day, mixed in with butterworms and I normally put crix in his cage to much on as "snacks".

There's also the occaisonal waxworm, roach and whatnot but that would all just be added on to what I'd normally feed him...

He eats so much of the pothos, it makes me wonder if I'm giving him enough otherwise. So help me out if you can :)

Veilds need fruits and veggies. Check out sandrachameleon's list of what u should try and stop with the daily super worms. They should be only an occasional treat and not a daily feeder. Try other feeders as well. Pothos is a low toxicity plant but if you offer fruits and veggies he might stop eating it.
Veilds need fruits and veggies. Check out sandrachameleon's list of what u should try and stop with the daily super worms. They should be only an occasional treat and not a daily feeder. Try other feeders as well. Pothos is a low toxicity plant but if you offer fruits and veggies he might stop eating it.
Okay, I'll check that out.

I don't mind him eating the pothos, I just want to make sure that he's not eating it so much because I'm not feeding him enough otherwise...
Okay, I'll check that out.

I don't mind him eating the pothos, I just want to make sure that he's not eating it so much because I'm not feeding him enough otherwise...

I think you will find if you start offering him the correct fruits and veggies as well as a better variety of properly gut loaded insects he will probably lighten up on the pothos. Another source of good info is in the resources section and care guides so check that out as well. You will find resources at the top of the page.
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If you can get him a hibiscus and/or fruit tree also. They just love 'em. You can use your cricket poop as natural fertilizer. :D
I would recommend using more crickets and roaches and less worms. Waxworms are very fatty and I have never used them. Superworms are pretty fatty too and I only use them for 2 or 3 a week. Try a variety of roaches and some stick bugs or flies and not so many worms. My veiled babies just love Phoenix worms and I hand feed those just about every afternoon as snacks. IMO they are the best worm feeder. You can buy them at For worms silkworms are a fairly good feeder and Butterworms. Try mixing it up a bit. Variety is the best. Also veileds eat fresh veggies and fruits. My guys like greens such as collards, kale, mustard, dandelion, endive, carrot, strawberry, banana, apple, blueberries, raspberries and melons such as watermelon and honeydew. Be sure to cut the hard veggies and fruits into small slivers so your Cham will not choke.
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I would recommend using more crickets and roaches and less worms. Waxworms are very fatty and I have never used them. Superworms are pretty fatty too and I only use them for 2 or 3 a week. Try a variety of roaches and some stick bugs or flies and not so many worms. My veiled babies just love Phoenix worms and I hand feed those just about every afternoon as snacks. IMO they are the best worm feeder. You can buy them at For worms silkworms are a fairly good feeder and Butterworms. Try mixing it up a bit. Variety is the best. Also veileds eat fresh veggies and fruits. My guys like greens such as collards, kale, mustard, dandelion, endive, carrot, strawberry, banana, apple, blueberries, raspberries and melons such as watermelon and honeydew. Be sure to cut the hard veggies and fruits into small slivers so your Cham will not choke.
Yeah, for sure. I've been keeping the variety up pretty high--I just ran out of hornworms and butterworms and am getting more tomorrow. I also have praying mantis in the mail and will be getting some snails to start a colony as well. I'm thinking about starting to do silkworms at home too.

I'll try to lay off on the superworms though. :)

I just got home with a bunch of fresh fruit. I'll be setting them in there shortly to see how Ender likes them :D
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