veiled eyes problem--hes eating only morio nothing else.


hello again to the forum.i have a veiled 1.3 yo.i had him from baby (3 months).
i have some problems at last 3 months.
1) he doesnt eat anything else except morio(2 every day )-( he ate morio,crickets,dubias,grasshoppers) this happens for 3 months.
2) i think he has got eyes issue(check pictures)
3) he miss many shots with hes tonque.
my supplements: uvb bulb arcadia T5HO 6% and 1 classic bulb for heat,i give him(as i can cuz he doesnt eat like before)reptivite with d3 every 2 meals.
hes enclosure is 140x55x55. basking temp are 29 celsius,humidity levels at day is 35-40 and at night goes (after mist or/with humidifier) 80-90%.
I went to him to the vet but he did not find any problem...(vets for reptiles at Greece SUCKS).
if anyone can tell me some advice plz? thanks you and Sorry for my poor english!


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some more pictures.see 4 pictures (3 months old) hes eye going to blow.but after 2-3 minutes returns to normal


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Oh, ok. A diet of just Mario’s isn’t good. He needs a variety. I would stop giving the morio and only give him crickets and Dubia. When he’s hungry enough he’ll eat them. What supplements do you dust his insects with?
I see you give him reptivite every two meals but do you give him plain calcium? You should lightly dust his insects every day with a phosphorus free calcium without D3 then two times a month instead of calcium dust them with the reptivite with D3. He may be having eye issues and tongue issues due to not giving him the right supplements often enough. How old is his uvb bulb. If it is over a year old it needs to be replaced. If his bulb is old it means he’s not able to absorb his D3 properly.
i dont give him any other supplement... i thought with reptivite should be uvb is 9 months old!
Oh, ok. A diet of just Mario’s isn’t good. He needs a variety. I would stop giving the morio and only give him crickets and Dubia. When he’s hungry enough he’ll eat them. What supplements do you dust his insects with?
i stoped superworms for a week but he didnt eat anything i gave him superworms again...
They do go on hunger strikes sometimes. Are you able to get silkworms, or hatch black soldier larvae into flies? Those are enticing treats for chameleons too.

Will let others chime in on husbandry and your eye concerns as I'm less experienced than the folks who were tagged in to help.
They do go on hunger strikes sometimes. Are you able to get silkworms, or hatch black soldier larvae into flies? Those are enticing treats for chameleons too.

Will let others chime in on husbandry and your eye concerns as I'm less experienced than the folks who were tagged in to help.
cant find black soldier larvae and silk worms in greece...
You may have to wait the hunger strike out then...they can go a while without food. It's unnerving to bust the hunger strike. But, let's see what more experienced folks say on the husbandry because that could be related.
You are overdosing with the reptivite with D3. This should only be given 2 times a month say on the 1st and the 15th. This could be linked to the eye issues and the targeting issues.

You need to buy a phosphorus free calcium without D3. This would be given at all feedings unless it is a day to us the reptivite.

He has decided that he prefers the superworms over anything else. So he is holding out for them. This is something that you have to not break on. You have to not offer them at all. He may hold out and not eat for a week or two until he finally gives in.

Dubia roaches would be a good option. Getting a smaller sized option in these.
Thanks you very much @Beman.i started with reptivite before 3 months. 1 year i gave him repashy plus with d3 on every this did the problem i think...i will go to buy phosphorus then without calcium
Thanks you very much @Beman.i started with reptivite before 3 months. 1 year i gave him repashy plus with d3 on every this did the problem i think...i will go to buy phosphorus then without calcium
These are two very common brands that you may be able to get there. So it is the no D3 version you need.

He is just getting way too much D3 and Vitamin A right now with the amount of reptivite he is getting.

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