veiled eyes problem--hes eating only morio nothing else.

What happened when you took him to the vet last year? I wish you would have let me know this was still an issue so we could talk more. Then you would not be dealing with this on your own.

If it was an overdose of D3 and A it would have resolved within a few months of being on the correct supplements. This is when we lean to is there a sinus infection affecting the eyes and is their a secondary issue with the actual tongue. As in an injury at some point that permananty compromised him being able to extend it. If it is an injury you would have to hand feed him putting the feeder up to the mouth so he can take it from your fingers.

The reptivite with D3 only 2 times a month along with the calcium without D3 would balance out any supplement issues
I didn't take him to the vet... I was waiting to see how he would react when I changed his vitamins. As for his tongue, he throws it out normally but he doesn't catch them. That's why I say that there is some problem with his vision.
I didn't take him to the vet... I was waiting to see how he would react when I changed his vitamins. As for his tongue, he throws it out normally but he doesn't catch them. That's why I say that there is some problem with his vision.
Ok so he is able to actually shoot the tongue or can he barely make it out an inch like in the video?
If it is a vision issue then you would still want to hand feed and see how he does with that.

All sorts of things can impact these guys even the unseen genetic issues.
Ok so he is able to actually shoot the tongue or can he barely make it out an inch like in the video?
If it is a vision issue then you would still want to hand feed and see how he does with that.

All sorts of things can impact these guys even the unseen genetic issues.
Yes, hes shoot his tongue normaly.but he didnt catch the preys so hes trying to go as near as he can to just bite them.well hand feeding its imposible...he chases my hand like crazy to bite it...
Yes, hes shoot his tongue normaly.but he didnt catch the preys so hes trying to go as near as he can to just bite them.well hand feeding its imposible...he chases my hand like crazy to bite it...
Can you wear a glove while doing it so you do not get bitten? Or use a shallow plastic cup that he can put his face down in to get them?
@Beman I have a plastic cup inside allrdy(at least he eats them).but it can take 1or 2 hours to eat them.he put hes face down and hes trying for hours...


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@Beman I have a plastic cup inside allrdy(at least he eats them).but it can take 1or 2 hours to eat them.he put hes face down and hes trying for hours... As you can see in this video hes totaly insode the cup(i just record it)
Maybe if the cup were not quite as deep.

Again we have covered supplements and husbandry. My concern is health issue like infection maybe something in turn affecting his eyes. Because if he can shoot and target then it is something more going on with him.
Maybe if the cup were not quite as deep.

Again we have covered supplements and husbandry. My concern is health issue like infection maybe something in turn affecting his eyes. Because if he can shoot and target then it is something more going on with him.
Nah, i tryed many cups...yes i believe this to there is something with hes eyes but what?.... I called the vet in the morning and I described the problem....and the answer was:i dont know... He didnt even tell me to go there to see him....we dont have vets in greece for exotic animals...

Edit:video doesnt uploaded i get error.
Nah, i tryed many cups...yes i believe this to there is something with hes eyes but what?.... I called the vet in the morning and I described the problem....and the answer was:i dont know... He didnt even tell me to go there to see him....we dont have vets in greece for exotic animals...

Edit:video doesnt uploaded i get error.
So if you do not have access to a vet with reptile knowledge much less chameleon knowledge this is going to be very hard to work out. And since husbandry has been covered there is unfortunately nothing else I can suggest besides what I already have.

The good thing is he physically does not look underweight at all. So what he is taking down for an adult male seems to be good. Males really only need 3-4 feeders every other day to every 2 days. So the food intake is low.
So if you do not have access to a vet with reptile knowledge much less chameleon knowledge this is going to be very hard to work out. And since husbandry has been covered there is unfortunately nothing else I can suggest besides what I already have.

The good thing is he physically does not look underweight at all. So what he is taking down for an adult male seems to be good. Males really only need 3-4 feeders every other day to every 2 days. So the food intake is low.
Thank you very much for your help and your patience,you are the best!
@Beman hello again and happy new year... Chameleon doesnt look well and he starts tomlose weight because he cant eat... An other problem appeared now...he cant shallow anymore.if hes catches the prey he tries to put it in his mouth and he can't...look at the picture he stays like this for about 3-4 hours.y tryed to help him but unfortunately i cant push it inside...and another 1 problem its about hes mouth,hes teeth are brown i think hes going for mouth rot or something?can i give him somethkng for mouth rot or anything i can do?but i think is in an advanced stage...


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Chameleons can get brown teeth. My veiled also has brown teeth. Nothing to worry about. Mouth rot is like an open infected wound in their mouth. His mouth looks fine to me.

How big are the bugs you are feeding him? The super worms I see in his mouth are really quite large. Its recommended you don't feed your chameleon any bugs that are bigger than the space between their eyes. I am wondering if maybe at least part of the problem is the bugs are too big for him.
Chameleons can get brown teeth. My veiled also has brown teeth. Nothing to worry about. Mouth rot is like an open infected wound in their mouth. His mouth looks fine to me.

How big are the bugs you are feeding him? The super worms I see in his mouth are really quite large. Its recommended you don't feed your chameleon any bugs that are bigger than the space between their eyes. I am wondering if maybe at least part of the problem is the bugs are too big for him.
I think is not big at all! I feed him these worms without problem 2 years...the problem is he cant toss hes tonque anymore and he cant open hes mouth well.he just open hes mouth only 1- 1.5 cm but i dont know the reason...he cant byte me too cuz of hes mouth...
Did you ever take him to the vet to rule out other issues. I know from the beginning there were also shooting issues. If he is actually having problems swallowing this is something different.
Did you ever take him to the vet to rule out other issues. I know from the beginning there were also shooting issues. If he is actually having problems swallowing this is something different.
There is no vet for exotic animals in Greece...thats the problem
There is no vet for exotic animals in Greece...thats the problem
Unfortunately there is a limit of what I can advice and help with... I would try smaller feeders that he can get down easier. The superworms are quite large and they can bite at that size. If he is just holding them and not chewing there is major risk for bites to the mouth.
You may have answered some of these questions before… it I don’t want to look for answers in this long thread…sorry.

What supplements are you using now and how often for each? How heavily do you dust the insects? What are you gutloading/feeding the insects now? I’m particularly looking for calcium, phos, D3 and the forum of vitamin A.

You said he can’t swallow…can you get a photo of inside his mouth wide open? Have you tried giving him small bugs like half grown crickets (size and softness of them might help. I would put one between his teeth when his mouth is open as he’s drinking. Does he drink?

How old is your UVB bulb? Is it a long linear one?

I’m not happy with the look of his eyes. He really needs a good chameleon vet to look at them…but I know that you can’t see one….so I don’t know what to tell you to do about it.

The following comments are only possibilities…you need a vet ☹️ to help figure it all out.
The tongue could be giving him problems due to an injury (but it’s been a while so I don’t think it’s likely), or due to a supplement/nutritional imbalance….which could also be a part of the eye issue. If the tongue muscles are weak due to a calcium imbalance, the tongue could misfire…shoot out with little control. That could be part of the difficulty swallowing too.

You could try using “bug juice“ for a short while…

Wish I could give you a good answer…but I’m not a vet.
Ultimately it’s your decision if you want to keep feeding him the larger worms. I personally like to give smaller feeds to avoid any choking hazards and possible bites from the bugs. @Beman and @kinyonga are both excellent keepers with a lot of knowledge and experience. I’ve followed advice from them and it’s only helped me personally. They are both amazing.
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