Veiled Female Breeding Size??

I tried to use "search" to find this basic answer but had no luck.

I have a smaller size female and an almost full size male. At what size will my female be sexually mature for breeding? Thanks.
It is generally advised to wait until the females are at least a year old before breeding. Calcifying eggs will put a strain on the female, drawing calcium from her bones before she has finished growing herself.
Where did you buy a wild caught veiled? Veileds are the most commonly kept, and bred, chams... you can find captive bred veileds just about anywhere in North America. It surprises me to hear of a wild caught veiled.
Hey Lloyd,

It's John Light, Joe's friend. We went herping in holly lands in your car awhile back. Anyways give me a call.... pm sent...

Gotta love picking those guys out of the trees!!! I've got 125 eggs due to hatch around March from Wild females. You wouldn't believe the animals that came from that location!!! Rival the top lines out there IMO, then again it's not yemen! I'm sure the animals that got loose were from nice lines.
You could simply wait a year, then you'd know for sure she is old enough. Generally 80grams might be large enough, BUT some are much bigger and thus heavier at full size, and some are just overweight/overfed and not yet finished growing. Look at her general body condition to determine if she is healthy and finished growing. I do think time is the best way to know she's likely finished growing, and I would just hold onto her for a year if it were me. Why potentially stunt her growth and potentially shorten her life by breeding too early.
You could simply wait a year, then you'd know for sure she is old enough. Generally 80grams might be large enough, BUT some are much bigger and thus heavier at full size, and some are just overweight/overfed and not yet finished growing. Look at her general body condition to determine if she is healthy and finished growing. I do think time is the best way to know she's likely finished growing, and I would just hold onto her for a year if it were me. Why potentially stunt her growth and potentially shorten her life by breeding too early.

Sandra, I know you don't have veileds but 80 grams would be an extremely small female veiled. When I bought Camille at 5 months her weight was 65 grams and by no means was she fat. At a year old her weight was 157 grams.
My adult females are around 85grams when not pregnant. Jann, Camille is an exceptional female! LOL. When preggers, my females get up to 150-165 grams.

Wow! That's strange because when I see your chams in person most of your girls look the exact same size at Camille......maybe your scales are off????:confused: I get my guys weight before and after vet visits to make sure my scales match with his.
WTF??? There are wild chams in Florida? I had no idea.

They aren't natural naturally. People released them because they didn't have money to properly care for them, or they didn't have room. But now they basically thrive in that environment.
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