New Member
Just to check that your husbandry is not affecting her could you fill this out? I am new to chameleon keeping to but did a lot of research and feel like I know my husbandry.But hopefully someone with longer experience like @MissSkittles or @elizaann2 will look over it too.
Chameleon Info:
- Your Chameleon - Female veiled chameleon. PetSmart she was almost a year old by based on her size and coloring I think she's more likely around 6 or 7 months. We have had her fot about 2 weeks.
- Handling - I've held.her once since we got her, for maybe a minite. Trying yo give her space to fully adjust to her new surroundings.
- Feeding - 7-8 med/latge crickets gutloaded with fruit and veggies (apples and green leaf lettuve right now). Planning to get some dubia this week to add some variety.
Cage Info:
- Supplements - Pangea Cal Calcium with no D3 dusted on her feeders every feeding, Reptivite multivitamin for twice a month.
- Watering - Hand misting twice a day, morning and night. She has a small bowl of water we change daily and we have seen her drink off of her plants tqice so far.
- Fecal Description - white to yellow then brown, gooey consistency. Seemed normal?
- History - Recently purchased from PetSmart.
Current Problem - Newbie, just making sure we are getting things right.
- Cage Type - ZooMed Reptibreeze XL. 2x2x4 screen.
- Lighting - 12 hours on 12 hours off on a timer. ReptiSun UVB 5.0 light bar and Pangea Halogen 50w heat bulb
- Temperature - Basking spot around 80, rest of enclosure ranges in 70s, drops to about 65 at night. Measured using a digital probe.
- Humidity - 45% during the day, 65% at night. Bought plastic sheeting today to get her night time humidity up over 80%.
- Plants - Live plants. She has a large umbrella plant, pothos, wax plant, and two prayer plants.
- Placement - My daughter's bedroom. Very low traffic area. Near a window but we keep the blinds shut.
- Location - Southern California