Veiled mouth-brownish gums in "molar area"


New Member
hi everyone,
the other day while feeding my little fella, i saw a brownish coloration in the gums and teeth near the mandible joint, both on the upper and lower teeth.
he doesnt gape nor hiss, so i had to keep his mouth open, altough he didn't like it and constantly tried to get away from my grip. those are the best pictures i could get.
Since i'm in a very problematic family situation, it would be a very high blow to pay for a herp vet in my city (i'm in Rome), being that there is only 1 vet and asks a lot. If you strongly suggest to bring him to the vet i will, since i really love my chameleon, but i'd prefer to do it only if there is a chance of something wrong happening with him.
apart from this, he is in very good health, actively eating and exploring as always.He never hissed at anyone, only sometimes at items that i think remember him of snakes,and those are the only times he has gotten stress colors.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Morbidone(in italian it means big and soft). He has been in my care for kinda a year and a half, in June he will be roughly 2 years old.
Handling - everyday, since he wants to exit and to explore and get to sleep on our shoulders.
Feeding - I am feeding him crickets and grasshoppers, with occasional mealworms.
Supplements - crickets dusted with calcum without d3, and twice a month with calcium with d3
Watering -I use the best water on the market for drinking, with the lowest sodium values (Lauretana- if you wanna look it up), both for misting and drinking. I mist the cage kinda 4 times a day.
Fecal Description - normally brown poop and white urethra, sometimes with a yellow tip.
History - Nothing, he has always been healthy, very active and friendly since he came home.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - built it myself, 60x60x170, following the suggestion of areation in here.
Lighting - uvb 6.0, i change it every 6 months, and basking one
Temperature -basking spot 29°C ish graduating in the cage to a 21°C ish. (got multiple thermometres scattered around the cage)
Humidity - Humidity varies from 90 to 50% from misting to misting.
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? a very big pothos.
Placement -Morbidone's favourite spot is at around 1.80metres height, quite like if he was on my's in my room that doesn't see a lot of movement(altough he really likes to go around even with other people), i don't smoke nor i use any kind of chemicals in my room (i also got some invertebrates).the cage gets also a good amount of sunlight, even if it's not in the direct path of the sunrays.
Location - I live in Rome, Italy.

Current Problem -Noticed brownish gums/teeth, but no sign of distress or change of habit.
i'm attaching some pictures hoping it helps.


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I can't help unfortunately, just wanted to let you know how much I like the colour of your boy! He looks amazing with that yellow!
But don't you think he could have bitten something in the cage recently? It doesn't look like a new thing in his mouth.
I think your husbandry is pretty good, especially that you have him for 1,5 year and he seems happy :)
But I hope nothing serious and someone has more clue about that!
oh ok thanks, i hope it's nothing bad but at least there's no swelling and doesn't look infected.
thank you for the compliments, if you wish i can post some more of him if you want to see his colours :)
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