Veiled Not Completing Shed

spencer k

New Member
My male veiled, about 10 mo. old, shed about 3 weeks ago but still has left on the sides of his body. never had this happen before, is this normal/ cause for concern? thanks
Maybe she doesnt notice them. My cham had old skin on his feet for a couple days,then it just sorta fell off.
Time for a shower.......

Why don't you give him a little shower. The moisture might help it come off after it dries. My older male could care less about what is hanging off of him. He's had some loose skin flapping around on his casque and chin for several days. If he wasn't so pissy I would take him out for a shower. It's going to come of eventually and I'm not going to worry about it.
thanks for the replies, all the sudden a couple days ago he started to finish his shed, should be close to complete by tomorrow.
Both my male chams have the same problem. One is about 4 1/2 yrs. old and has skin on his sides - not loose - that hasn't shed for at least a month. The other is about 8 months old and shed the skin on his head and spine about a week ago but hasn't shed the skin on his sides. I spray the enclosures at least twice a day and the older one I've been giving a shower once a week.

I was wondering if sometimes certain parts of their bodies grow faster than others and shed sooner. I have no other explanation as to why these guys aren't shedding. They both get various supplements in their food and eat a variety of foods. I'm getting rather concerned for the older male because it's been so long. He's recently gone off eating crickets as well but seems to accept silk and butter worms and otherwise seems healthy. The younger one eats anything I put in his cage and seems full of energy.

Should I be concerned about the lack of shedding? Is it a problem if the showers don't work?

Thanks ... Dyesub Dave. :D
same here i tried misting directly well, but it didnt make a difference. then like 2-3 weeks later, he finished his shed. hes been acting totally normal so i guess its not something to serious. i think maybe your right, that things grow at different speeds.
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