Veiled or Panther Chameleon?

Chameleons and camouflage really don't go together contrary to popular belief. They use they're color changing ability to display mood (and mating readiness) as well as to adapt to the temperatures around them (eg turning darker to absorb more heat).
Right? Everyone that comes into my room to see my chameleon is like "Why isnt he changing to the color of that branch?" Then i have to explain to them that they dont actually do that..
chameleonsicknessobsessionpassion, then..... that's a ridiculously long word.
yeah, i always enjoy making new friends on here. i just love how people of all ages can come together and spread their knowledge.
so true
Actually, they might not be as "sitting duckish" (that's totally a thing :confused:) as you'd think. Veiled chameleons are actually invasive in Florida. So... they're actually annoying predators there instead of prey
man.... I want to live in Florida now...
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