Veiled's Mouth all funky


New Member
Hey, Like the title says my Female cham's mouth is all funky, she started laying on the ground of her enclosure about 4 days ago, which is when we put in a bucket with sand. Her Mouth looks like its receded, and she hasn't ate in a few days or pooped in a week. Any help would be much appreciated. We will be taking her to a vet tomorrow.
If its any help, she's 6 months of age (or atleast what we were told)

I'd also like to say that her tongue and mouth are looking swollen and its hard for her to swallow. I've been spraying her with warm water, and trying to get her to drink by light misting her tongue.
I've honestly never seen anything like that. The pictures are somewhat hard to make out, is her skin actually receding from her jaw as well?

You definitely need to see a vet as soon as possible, staying on the bottom is also a bad sign.
Seeing these pictures hurt my heart, poor little thing :(

It's hard to make up anything out of those pictures. Do you have a better camera?

It's good you're going to see a vet because she needs one a.s.a.p.
Talked to the vet today, she said there was little hope for her. She did have eggs as we thought which used up what little calcium she had left, all of her bones were extremely weak. she also got a bone infection the vet didn't say how she got it only that it was probably environmental. RIP little Herby.
I'm really sorry for your loss. :(

I don't know if this is your only cham or if you plan on having another at some point, but if you want any help diagnosing any environmental issues that may have been related, you can fill out the help form.

RIP Herby :(
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