

New Member
before ordering my chams next month i have a few questions.i want a male an female can they live in the same enclosure togather. also i was going to build my enclosure 24x24x48.chams will be 4month old guys an these screen enclosures made from aluminum will the support hangeing potted plants an a drip system sitting on the a 24x24x48 to large at for a pair of 4month old chams.
I would keep them apart. Some can start to get aggressive at that age. It will also make the male a stronger breeder. The cage is probley a little big as well to start out with.
DO NOT house two veileds together, period. Two chams should have two enclosures. If your not willing to buy two enclosures, for the safety and health of your animals, get only one chameleon.
my girl is aggressive

hi just a quick question, i need help
i bought a captive breed female vielded chameleon at 8 weeks old, she is about 5 months old now. When i got her i left her alone to ajust to her new environment for 2 weeks. I started to handle her very slowly, i started with a couple of times a week and then increased to every other day if not every day. She wasnt stressed atall. She continued to be like this for a while. i could put my hand in and she would just climb on.
Just recently, i tried to handle her when she changed colour, from a mild greeny-brown, to a lime green with dark brown stripes on her face and body!!, she puffs up and hisses at me. also she has become very scared of peoples faces. she stares straight into my eyes and lays flat. its like she plays dead.
i havent changed my routine atall. shes like a different chameleon
is it because shes reaching sexual maturity??, or is it that she wants to lay??, do all females lay??, will she grow out of it??, what can i do to get her used to me again?? PLEASE HELP!!
before ordering my chams next month i have a few questions.i want a male an female can they live in the same enclosure togather. also i was going to build my enclosure 24x24x48.chams will be 4month old guys an these screen enclosures made from aluminum will the support hangeing potted plants an a drip system sitting on the a 24x24x48 to large at for a pair of 4month old chams.

Just like Nicodemayo said, do not house these together, no if and or but's about it - 2 separate enclosures. 24x24x48 is perfect size for 1 male
hi just a quick question, i need help
i bought a captive breed female vielded chameleon at 8 weeks old, she is about 5 months old now. When i got her i left her alone to ajust to her new environment for 2 weeks. I started to handle her very slowly, i started with a couple of times a week and then increased to every other day if not every day. She wasnt stressed atall. She continued to be like this for a while. i could put my hand in and she would just climb on.
Just recently, i tried to handle her when she changed colour, from a mild greeny-brown, to a lime green with dark brown stripes on her face and body!!, she puffs up and hisses at me. also she has become very scared of peoples faces. she stares straight into my eyes and lays flat. its like she plays dead.
i havent changed my routine atall. shes like a different chameleon
is it because shes reaching sexual maturity??, or is it that she wants to lay??, do all females lay??, will she grow out of it??, what can i do to get her used to me again?? PLEASE HELP!!

You are overhanding your chameleon. These are not social pets that you carry around all day and cuddle with. You are defiantly stressing her out, and putting her at great risk for sicknesses with a weakened immune system.

Sounds like you should get a hamster, because there is nothing you can do "to get her use to you again"

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but its the truth, and something you shouldn't be doing to begin with.
well thats the thing it get told so many different things, i read a couple of books and spoke to some people and the exact instruction was to leave alone for 2 weeks and start slowly, i didnt want her to "cuddle"her, i thought that if something was to go wrong then if she was handleable then i could easily transport her. i can understand her being stressed with handling but why so suddenly?? by the way i dont do hamsters, horses are my thing!! hehe
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