Venus Fly Trap


New Member
so i was just wondering if i put a Venus Fly Trap in my enclosure with my veiled if that would be safe or just plain stupid the reason i ask is i like the way it looks in a live vivarium but don't want to put him at risk of getting hurt if that's even possible
The fly trap may not hurt the Cham, but I cannot say the same for the other way around.

Also fly traps require a cooling period, which cannot be provided if kept year round in the cage.

I would not suggest putting a Venus Fly Trap in with your Cham.
The plant probably wouldn't close it's trap fast enough to catch the tongue. But due to the sticky juice inside the venus fly traps, it could happen the chameleon's tongue would breakaway a whole trap. I don't think this would be very healthy for a chameleon (and imho, there's no need to try). By the way, venus fly traps love real sun, I'm keeping those for years. They tend to waste away with less colour and much smaller traps under artificial lightning - or they dry out if they're too close to the lights. You can keep venus fly traps really well in an own enclosure, but not inside the chameleon's cage.
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