Verrucosus: Gravid or not?


New Member
Hey Everybody,

I have a pair of Verrucosus that I had copulate several weeks ago. Since then the female has gotten VERY large in the belly, but I'm not noticing gravid coloring? This is my first pair, so I am a bit unfamiliar. I will update her weight today, she was 61.9 grams before copulation.

My concern is - if she isn't gravid there is something wrong, as big as she's getting. She is eating fine, on her usual perch, eyes open and active. She seems to have fine fecals. Thanks in advance!


I just weighed her, and she has ballooned to 75 grams! I am adding some pictures, hopefully they will help.


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Do you have any relaxed pictures of her, like the second one when she isn't scared? Because in the first picture she looks a bit big for a verrucosus, but then again i can't be sure when she is fired up. She also looks like having long nails, which is something that can be related to gravidity. However, more pictures would definately help! :)
Oh yeah she's definately gravid! She should be laying eggs from anywhere between tomorrow and 2 weeks (but more likely a week). Did she start roaming more around the ground??

And most importantly: do you have a proper laying bin??
Awesome!! Hopefully the eggs will be okay. I have a round bin about 13" in diameter, and 5" deep. I got a bag of all-natural top soil and filled the container to the brim. Is this container deep enough, do you think? I also have pots for plants if that's any better.

What I DON'T have is an incubator. Do you have any recommendations that aren't over the $250 range?

She has been checking out the bin, not getting all the way down to the ground but certainly much lower than she usually would. I will definitely be keeping a sharp eye and keeping you posted. Thanks for all your help, Morph - I really appreciate it.
12" deep would be waaaay better. 5" just isn't deep enough. If you have a bathroom trash can, you know, one of those little white ones that are about 12" tall are perfect. My ladies lay in those. If you fill it to the top expect lots of mess in the cage and prepare for dirt all over the place. Perhaps put the trash can in a plastic bag where you can lay it out a bit so you can catch some of the fall out. I like to use play sand. It is clean and my ladies don't end up dirty with black feet pads, but everyone does it different.

I don't have an incubator. I use an interior closet where the temps stay fairy stable. You only need to keep the eggs about 72-75 degrees. Remember, in the wild the do get a bit cooler in the winter, and then warm again in the spring. It is natural and helps the babies growing in the egg be healthy. I'm sure you will get lots of responses regarding this issue.

Good luck!
The trash can is a great idea! I will replace my bin when I get home today. Play sand, huh? Does it have to be very moist? That's probably a cleaner idea, I'll have to tuck that away for next time.
It does have to be moist, because she might dig some tunnels in it. So it has to be moist enough to hold and not fall on her.

As for incubation temperatures, i never had any verrucosus eggs so i can't give you proper temperatures. However, you might be able to find some infos here:

The choice for a closet or incubator is a personal choice. Since it will be your first clutch, i'm sure that you are eager to hatch them, so you might want to opt for the safer option. Incubators are now getting cheaper and cheaper, and you might be able to find a good deal at LLLreptiles, one of our sponsors! :) If not, there may be some used incubator for sells in the classified section of the boards!
dont forget to apply a diapause, they dont need a very cool diapause, but for sure need one.

I would recommend around 6 weeks at 12 degrees celsius. (14 will do fine as well)
She looks gravid to me! I am not using a diapause method, because I am using cooler temperatures. I have them around 72 now, and will raise them to 74 in about a week and a half. I have them in the closet currently, and they are doing fine

72 fahrenheit is to my own expierience to high to have 100% development of the eggs/no synchronized hatching either.
A friend of mine had a few clutches at 74, and after a long time, dunno exactly but estimate 9 months, all the eggs still had no embryo inside, he then made them go into diapause, and then after all the eggs still hayched, these eggs had been laying a long time in total :)

74 is good at last month(s) for high hatchrate.
According to everyone I've talked to, and the research I have done, the did not need a diapause, along with the temps I am using is sufficient. We'll see. I've noticed embryotic development in my eggs though.

She just layed this evening!! She is spending a lot of time packing the earth over, it looks like she cleaned house but Im trying not to get too close.
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