Very Excited!

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Well, after alot of money to get permits and collect specimens, I have both Rhampholeon viridis and Rhampholeon acuminatus coming on Monday from Tanzania. We we able to secure the only permits for WC animals for the next two years, hopefully this will keep them from being over collected. That was my main concern when asking my exporter about these species, since they both have a rather limited range.

This is the first time I know of that Rhampholeon viridis is coming in, so I am very excited. Bright green Rhampholeon, what could be more exciting. I'll post photos Monday night!
Permits came from the Management Authority in Tanzania. We have trophy permits for them, as well as premission to enter the reserves for collection. I have copies of the permit. As for cost, feel free to e-mail me, but I am not offering animals on this forum. I'm simply just excited, I've but a lot of work into this.

Can I ask what it cost? and where you got the permits?
Hey ... I did a search on the net for both of those chams and couldn't find any pics and very little information. They must be very rare!!

If you breed them will you be selling any of the babies??

Dyesub Dave. :D
Yes, they are very rare and VERY beautiful! Likely some of the coolest looking chameleons you'll ever see. I'll be keeping a few breeding pairs of both species and selling the rest WC adults. Most of the animals will be exported to Europe and Japan most likely.

Hey ... I did a search on the net for both of those chams and couldn't find any pics and very little information. They must be very rare!!

If you breed them will you be selling any of the babies??

Dyesub Dave. :D
Yes, they are very rare and VERY beautiful! Likely some of the coolest looking chameleons you'll ever see. I'll be keeping a few breeding pairs of both species and selling the rest WC adults. Most of the animals will be exported to Europe and Japan most likely.

So basically keeping all your competition overseas lol...
lol... how is that keeping the price low :D
the rarity of it in US, will make the price skyrocket high
BTW.. i am very curious now... can i see pics please :)

Here is a pic of one that I got in a few months back. Very neat chameleons and super rare.


Nick Mole


  • viridis3.JPG
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Trophy permits shoudn't be to hard to get as they they are non CITES meaning you would just have to find a collector who could get them.
Wrong, they won't give out trophy permits for certain species. These ones normally included. I tried before and was denied. Even trophy permits have a yearly quota on animals, and these two species were not included except one species in F1's (the montana). Luckily, we secured all the quota for WC animals for the next two years.

Trophy permits shoudn't be to hard to get as they they are non CITES meaning you would just have to find a collector who could get them.
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