vet fogger/mister?


Established Member
i was just at the vet because my chameleon is having problems with his kidneys and he said its VERY critical and there a chance he wont servive..:(

he asked me if i use a mister i told him yes i do but i was surpriced on what he told me that a fogger is much better for my chameleon and chameleons in general..

so im here on the forums and i know that people dont recomend foggers but if vet recomends it should i?

all prayer's to my "big boi" panther chameleon

UPDATE(sad one): big boi passed away around 5 minutes ago due to extreme stress and his condition..
Did you go to a vet with chameleon experience? How did the vet know that he has kidney problems? What kind of signs of illness has he had?
yes he does infact he own's one for around 3 years now,my cham drinks ALOT of water and he still had sunken eyes he hasnt eaten in 3 days or pooped in a couple days but from what the blood test's show he says its def the kidneys all his fuild's i forgot what they were,was almost double of what there soposed to be.
I am not as experienced as some, and I don't want to give bad advice, however, I have a Jacksons and the only way to keep the humidity up in his cage is with an ultrasonic humidifier which is basically a fogger. i also have a mist king and my little guy is thriving. he loves to stand in the fog as much as he basks in the heat light. I am not sure why people don't like the foggers, but I do know that you have to keep it clean and the ones from the pet stores are crap. Go to a drug store and get an ultra sonic humidifier. they are cheaper and last much longer
just got a call from the vet......he has passed away due to his kidneys and stress of being given his medicine RIP Bigboi
he asked me if i use a mister i told him yes i do but i was surpriced on what he told me that a fogger is much better for my chameleon and chameleons in general..

I know it's a bit late to mention, but maybe what the vet intended to explain was that ultrasonic humidifiers are great for maintaining cage air humidity in addition to cage misting for drinking. Depending on the climate in your house (running ACs in summer for example), the amount of live foliage in the cage that holds moisture, how you misted (the duration and intensity do matter) or even the amount of evaporative surfaces, the cage could have been drying out a lot faster and more severely between misting cycles than you realized.

If your cham went through a period of chronic low level dehydration its possible his kidneys were damaged, and that's not really fixable.

I'm sorry you lost him.
I am very very sorry for your loss!!! But I was wondering Fogger vs mister I bought a reptifogger n it just made my veiled mad n she would avoid like the plague then she randomly started pissing balance and I found her on the floor of her cage unable to get up.. I stopped using the Fogger and she has got better but when I was misting her a moment ago she was blindly reaching out and almost fell so I out ny hand out to catch and she got on (which she never does) then climbed to the edge of my hand and was reaching out and trying to walk off again.... What should I do??
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