New Member
My 8 month old ambilobe seemed to have the symptoms of a respiratory infection. He would sneeze occasionally without opening his mouth but I never heard any popping or noise. He also hasn't been eating that much so I took him to the vet and they fully examed him and said that he was in great condition. They checked his throat, lungs, heart, vent etc.. He weighs 70 grams on the dot. The vet seemed to think he was a tiny bit underweight but I thought he was a little on the heavy side.
I have not heard him sneeze in the past few days so Im assuming it was to much humidity i was pumping into the cage. Im glad I caught it before it could have turned into a URI.
edit: the vet I saw def had some chameleon expierience so that was good. She has a jackson and a veiled
I have not heard him sneeze in the past few days so Im assuming it was to much humidity i was pumping into the cage. Im glad I caught it before it could have turned into a URI.
edit: the vet I saw def had some chameleon expierience so that was good. She has a jackson and a veiled