Vet Visit??

Called the Vet today to set up an appointment. I'm sure you all know that my year old veiled hasnt been eatting. so when i called i asked some questions about the "check up". is taking the cham to the vet so they can look at him enough? i'm gonna bring a fecal, i stuffed some food down his mouth so I'm hoping he poops.
Good idea :)

Taking him in for a check up is a good idea. Give him lots to drink too to stimulated pooping. When he does poop put it in a ziplock baggie and put it into the fridge to preserve it. The vet may also want to do a blood test to check the liver and kidney functions and the blood calcium levels. This and the fecal will give him an overall picture of his status. Let us know what happens at the vets afterwards. Will keep my fingers crossed for him!
As Catherine said water will help the pooping!
I have noticed it often happens after a heavy warm misting.
Is the vet's location convenient to you? If so I would run the fecal over as soon as it happens rather than storing it in the fridge. It doesn't have to correspond exactly with the vet visit, you should be able to drop it off anytime.

Very reasonable....

That's a very reasonable price for those services. If you are only five miles from the vet do run it in to them before the visit. That is most convenient.
That's a very reasonable price for those services. If you are only five miles from the vet do run it in to them before the visit. That is most convenient.

This way if any medication needs to be administered it can happen during the visit and save you a little $.
I also agree that your vet's rates are quite reasonable.

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