Vets In The Bay Area.

I just started going to De Anza Vet Clinic, and was really impressed with the first visit, they seemed very knowledgeable

I recently switched over to them because the first place I had initially gone to wasn't able to differentiate chameleon gender and it didn't sound like they delt with with them as often as other reptiles
Ok, I will look into both of those places. @lokiopolis where did you get your cham?

I got my girl from a local pet store, you might want to look into legitimate breeders though, im sure you could post a thread and some more expirenced members could point you in the right direction for reccomendations

I check Craigslist every few weeks just to see what pops up for reptile supplies, enclosures, feeders, etc. And noticed someone in Campbell was breeding some panther chameleons?
I got my girl from a local pet store, you might want to look into legitimate breeders though, im sure you could post a thread and some more expirenced members could point you in the right direction for reccomendations

I check Craigslist every few weeks just to see what pops up for reptile supplies, enclosures, feeders, etc. And noticed someone in Campbell was breading some panther chameleons?
Ok. Thanks!
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