Vets on this forum


New Member
I have seen a couple members on this forum, actually one member that is a veterinarian. I think we should work on getting some more veterinarians on this site that are specialized in chameleons. By organizing a vet contact link in the resources tab, all members would have access to getting help from vets on the forum. It would be a great way for us to learn more about how to properly care for our pets. Anyone agree? :D
While I think it would be great to have more vets on the forums helping people with their problems, that's what their job is so I wouldn't see them wanting to continue doing that for their hobby. I think asking them to chime in is fine, but I wouldn't ask someone who gets paid to do that to do it for free on their off-time.
that's what their job is so I wouldn't see them wanting to continue doing that for their hobby.

Well if you say that then aren't you insinuating that vets don't enjoy their jobs? I like to believe that people become vets because of their love for animals, I don't think they see it as a burdensome thing and therefore a vet that enjoys his/her job would certainly enjoy helping others, especially on a casual forum like this.
Just went to the vet today. I asked my vet if he ever heard of He wrote it down, maybe he'll check this place out. He used to keep chameleons before but stopped due to his busy schedule. He was very informative about HR699 and the different reptile shows around. He even goes to the Hamm show in Germany. He's even gone to Madagascar! He even told me about some reptile importer in LA, I think it's called LA Reptiles, LA Imports or something. Never knew there was an importer in the West Coast. Also if you're going to see your vet, you should bring the Health Forums, "how to ask for help" with you. He was very impressed with the chameleon "ask for help" sheet that I brought with me.
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It would be nice, yes, but if you worked building houses for a living, how would you feel if your friend asked you to fix their roof for free? Just an idea. ;)
It is kind of a two sided thing I guess. But its not like talking to a vet over a forum is an excuse for not going to visit the vet. If a chameleon is sick or injured then obviously you have to go see a vet. I was just thinking thinking a vet would offer more help to users when it comes to regular chameleon husbandry. But from what everyone was saying I guess I am wrong :p
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