video of my enclosure and some pics


Established Member
Hey guys,
I wanted to share a video of my free range enclosure. I've been really happy with the setup. It really allows for much better viewing of your cham. Leon has become pretty bold and spends most of his time sitting far out on a branch where I am able to walk right up to him. He hand feeds and crawls on my hand eagerly.
I did this whole setup for around $60. (not including the light or mister). I found the container for $20 at Walmart, the stand for $10 at a thrift store, the branches were found, and the plants and dirt at a local greenhouse.

Some people have mentioned concern that he might not sit under the light enough however I find him sitting under the heat lamp multiple times a day so I think he knows when he needs more UVB. He's been in this setup now for about 6 weeks and so far no escapes.




I don't think he needs anymore. He spends little time in the foliage. I think Panthers tend to like to have some more "room". This is just what I've read, nonetheless, I'm trying to grow out the plants a bit. They get a lot of direct light from the window so hopefully it will shoot up a bit
I think those plants are a bit short and it may take awhile for them to actually fill out that corner of the room. UV rays cannot penetrate through glass. Unless your window is open, the only thing your plant will be getting from the sun is heat. Great looking panther and props on being creative.
Looks good, I like the LEON name plate on the light. Like cush said I think it looks good, but you will want to add a UVB light.
Thanks for the responses guys. There's a 5.0 reptisun tube in that light. I do leave that window open from time to time. I already repositioned the branches now that I was looking at it on the picture. I made them a little more vertically oriented.

With regards to UVB I obviously have some concern, however, he does bask under the uvb/spotlight combo hood a fair amount. Perhaps a bigger light hood would be beneficial though.
I will monitor closely for any signs of MBD, but of course by the time it manifests itself it's too late in a way.
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