Video of my other passion: reef aquaria

Your tank is gorgeous! Is it very hard to maintain and how hard is it to get a reef set up and growing?
what all is in the tank me and my friend all have salt water tanks. i just start last year so mine isn't that great. my friend on the other. 1 has a breeding pair of seahorses, and another has a japanese dragon eel in his. i have a toadfish in mine right now i haven't had time to buy more fish. love the tank though
Your tank is gorgeous! Is it very hard to maintain and how hard is it to get a reef set up and growing?
Hi Shelby.
Thank you for the compliment. Once a reef tank is set up, allowed to 'cycle' for a few weeks, and added to slowly, it is actually quite simple to maintain it. All I do now is a small water change every 6 to 8 weeks, clean off the acrylic, and feed the fish :)
Wow nice tank

Now that is what I call a tank. How long have you had your tank up and running? With all of the coral that way if looks like for a few years. How big is your tank. I don't have a saltwater but I do have two freshwater tanks. One is about to house 7 discus and the other has 3 angels that are all five inches. I am looking right now for 125 gallon for some cichlids, that I'm planning on putting some frontosa's in.
240 gallon cubish tank, 4'x4'x2'.

Although I don't own it (thank goodness :)) you might say I have a cubish (3500 gallons) saltwater tank too. I'm actually only one of the volunteer board members (10-15 yrs) that oversees the operation of the Manhattan Beach Roundhouse Marine Studies Lab and Aquarium. Sorry, no expertice in marine biology :eek:.


hey nice tank! i have a small 20gallon reef too! never advanced to sps but i have a few nice bits and bobs, unfortunately the tank is up for sale now to fund more panthers lol


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Thats a very cool tank. I want to start up a small Nano for a Mantis Shrimp but haven't got the money or time yet.

I have 6 Aquariums, with different species of piranha in :D

seancj I'm so excited you posted this video, a couple months back I showed all my friends how impressed I was with the pictures that were with the open air. I'm looking to get into this so any advice you can give, in your opinion for a reef that size what equipment is absolutely nescesary as I've heard sometimes you can go light on the equipment in exchange for water would seem with a thriving system like that and so many fish it would probably be nescesary for skimmer and uv sterilizers and such, any thoughts....I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the way you hung your lights, so much I taught myself how to emulate your style at home depot the other day in the cable aisle
I'm studying marine bio

also I think thats funny that harry potter is on in the background, you must blaze and watch movies and f with your pets all day lol we're so much alike
Thats a very cool tank. I want to start up a small Nano for a Mantis Shrimp but haven't got the money or time yet.

I have 6 Aquariums, with different species of piranha in :D


Here are pics of my peacock mantis shrimp!!!
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