Video of Stanley eating roaches

Stanley is a great shot! only one miss in the whole vid! I have a big male Panther that is blind in one eye and cant see very well out of the other one and I have to hand feed him roaches. He is a terrible shot, and that is what I am used to seeing...then I saw stanley and remembered how it was supposed to look!
They are Dubia sp. He eats the 1/2" size. We have a couple of hundred in a tub out in the garage. They are supposed to be a breeding colony, but I haven't seen much breeding going on.
They are Dubia sp. He eats the 1/2" size. We have a couple of hundred in a tub out in the garage. They are supposed to be a breeding colony, but I haven't seen much breeding going on.

It takes a while for them to breed.
Stanley sure does like his roaches. Cute video!

thanks Jann!!!!!!!

did i mention he eats anything that wiggles... ;)

Stanley is a great shot! only one miss in the whole vid! I have a big male Panther that is blind in one eye and cant see very well out of the other one and I have to hand feed him roaches. He is a terrible shot, and that is what I am used to seeing...then I saw stanley and remembered how it was supposed to look!

he rarely misses, i think the roach was side stepping at first but Stanley figured him out real quick!!!! ;)
You are a brave soul for using your hands to feed those. I won't even hold crickets in my hands haha!! He's like our Shooter... eats anything that wiggles and has a great shot. What is the white cord/string around the vine that he is standing on?
want kind of roaches where those

cham702, those are Dubia roaches... they seem to be the choice of the majority here, easy to breed and keep.. :)

You are a brave soul for using your hands to feed those. I won't even hold crickets in my hands haha!! He's like our Shooter... eats anything that wiggles and has a great shot. What is the white cord/string around the vine that he is standing on?

i have to keep thinking "roly poly, roly poly" when i handle them and then having said that, i dont touch the adults.. now "they" are creepy, the babies aren't soo bad... "roly poly, roly poly" ;)

that's the cord to the temp prob.. i'm trying to keep an eye on the temp so he wont overheat... lisa
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