There is a full length mesh panel across the front of the cage as well as vents on the sides of the tank and at the top of the tank, bob is content in his viv and happy in his self and itll only be this size for a while due to them being baby panthers and then when they are all subadult ill get new individual vivs. and i have a selection of live plants yet to go in but as im growing them on abit so theyre not destroyed straight away then no there isnt any in there.
And can i just say im really not going to listen to people throwing abuse and telling me what to do with only 100 posts on the website and only copying what other people have said
i do thank those who have been civil and put feedback which i will take on board, and if you do have a problem then feel free to come round and see how obviously unhealthy my chameleon is and how he cant quiet possibly be happy
and in response to the free ranging , yes when i am home from work but if im not then no his kept inside the viv
I'm not attacking you.take it as you may but. The amount of post someone has doesn't make them more or less Experienced then any other. You your self only have 342 post on this site. You may or may not be more experienced then me or others on this site. The number of post mean nothing here.
On a side note if you choose not to take the advise from others then that's up to you ( your problem ). People are tring to help. I agree with you mabe some came across as a little rude but not everyone did. I think he should have more room personally 24*48 for an Adult valid.
Although Bob may appear to be "content" in his current enclosure size, 18 inches wide, 18 inches deep...approximately the total length of an adult veiled is far too small.
Obviously he cannot express his discontent to you, and you are clearly oblivious to this, but whether or not a member has 100 posts or 10,000 posts, it does not change the fact that your chameleon barely has enough room to turn in a circle without touching the sides of his enclosure. These creatures once had an entire jungle to roam around in, and you believe it is acceptable to house him in an enclosure of that size despite all of the comments by the members of this forum?
And on top of that you would like to subject an additional 2 chameleons to the same fate? Shame on you is all I have to say, you come to this forum seeking approval for what I believe to be sub-standard housing practices, and then claim that everyone who has expressed an opinion that does not suit you, is either dumb or completely inexperienced due to their lack of posting?
I for one feel very sorry for your veiled, and whichever panther chameleons have the misfortune of being imprisoned in the jail of an enclosure that you are so proud of.
Heed the advice of the other members who have hundreds of years of experience combined, put your ego aside and admit that in your quest to obtain a small zoo of animals, you have overlooked the basic requirements of chameleon ownership.
Chameleons are not snakes, they cannot be placed in a rack system with barely enough room to move. They require fresh air, room to regulate their heat, and height for security. Essentially the complete opposite of what you have provided.
And if you still think you have provided them with enough, try locking yourself in your bathroom or a closet for a few days and see how you are enjoying life at the end of it.
Don't be a fool. You have time to change your set up and your husbandry before something happens that makes you regret ignoring the advice given to you.
I agree with you but you do t have to be rude. Or get angry at him if he doesn't want to listen to the advise of others that's his choice