Right so my first viv attempt died off a bit, I found out this was due to incorrect lighting so i replaced the bulbs with daylight bulbs and it seems to be growing well now! tried to plant it up a bit more so the chams had more places to hide out of the light.
My arduino project works brilliantly too, it controls the lights,heat mat, a fan and my fogger machine!
All I have to do is water the plants and feed the chams!!
I'm currently trying to change their food source over to small tropical woodlice as I find dealing with brown crickets very annoying, they constantly escape and i find them all round the house!!! Chams seem to eat the woodlice ok which is good.
My arduino project works brilliantly too, it controls the lights,heat mat, a fan and my fogger machine!
All I have to do is water the plants and feed the chams!!
I'm currently trying to change their food source over to small tropical woodlice as I find dealing with brown crickets very annoying, they constantly escape and i find them all round the house!!! Chams seem to eat the woodlice ok which is good.