Waiting on eggs to hatch

Is one of the hardest things ever!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Once they hit that 6 month mark I can't help but check them a couple times a day :p

Your telling me, Try waiting on a live bearer to drop babies! At least with eggs they sweat prior to hatching ;)

So whos eggs ya sittin on??? Splash babies by chance?
Your telling me, Try waiting on a live bearer to drop babies! At least with eggs they sweat prior to hatching ;)

So whos eggs ya sittin on??? Splash babies by chance?


Splash- Red Bodied BB Ambilobe
Romeo- Yellow Bodied BB Ambilobe
Sniper- Nosy Faly

All three hit the 6 month mark within the next 2 weeks!

Its gonna get crazy around here
Our veiled laid her first clutch June 18th ... Been waiting for them to hatch and today almost 7 months exactly one lil one is wandering around in the eggs. Haha I'm still way to excited about this. Now just waiting to see if the other 40 hatch, and better yet..why! Lol
Haha thats great glad I'm not the only one. I hit the 6 month mark last week and want to check them all of the time. I would candle them every once in a while and over the last month it's been amazing to see the gowth inside the egg :)
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