waking different color


New Member
Is it normal for a Chameleon to wake up super dark compared to their normal color? I am getting very worried, her new enclosure doesn't come until tomorrow and she still hasn't been eating except the first day she was here she ate one cricket and then the third she ate 3 worms. We are on day 6 now.
I switched out all of her lights but the 75w and turn them off at night now but until I get the enclosure I can't do much about her habitat.

All my Chams wake up darker than normal after cooler temps overnight. They stay veryyy dark while basking, once they get their body temps up they go back to there normal "at rest " colors
You are going to be just fine until tomorrow when the new cage arrives. You could try clipping a small dish with NO more than 3 worms in it up by where she sits. She might eat without you present. jmo
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